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Everything posted by XtremeJibber2001

  1. Surprised they've managed to stay 100% open despite the rain and warm conditions. Looks like I'll try to make it up Sunday, but looks like I'm in for some boiler plate. Hopefully they'll do a good job grooming.
  2. I won't be arriving until Morning. Do you have a number for them? Maybe they could do it really quick if I get there early.
  3. Help me out guys. I've been on the road for weeks and I'm hoping to get some skiing in on Saturday. Is there a place that can grind and wax my base on site? I won't get in until late Friday night so I'd like to get my skis prepped at the base lodge prior to the resort opening ... is this possible? Skis have been in storage for about two years so they really need a good sharpen/wax/stone grind. Thanks -E PS ... How have conditions been? Looks like the temps have been good.
  4. Thanks .. decided not to go up when it took my 45 minutes to drive 5 miles in town ... hope ya'll enjoyed it!
  5. How's it looking up there? I'm near Philly so I don't want to take the ride if it's a mess. Is the snow light? Heavy? Mostly sleet? How's it looking?
  6. Thanks for the info dudes .... looks the first weekend of Feb should be good. How are the crowds with the 6 pack? Is it still a clusterfcuk on weekends?
  7. Haha ... the only two I want they're not blowing snow on
  8. Anyone have a listing of trails/lifts that will be open? Any word on top to bottom skiing? I guess cameltoe is remaining closed?
  9. Think they'll have top to bottom Sat/Sun?
  10. From the cam atm ... it looks like they're blowing on the lower terrain. I might make it up IF they have top to bottom ... otherwise it's not worth it ... unless they have discount ticks because of limited terrain?
  11. You didn't get the memo?
  12. Pics?
  13. I was going to a get a pass, but don't think I'll make it up 10 times between NY/VT/UT this year. Anyone have any info. on the 6 days for 100$? Saw it mentioned on here before
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