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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. definitely try and make some friends, i'm not sure about the snowboarding side of things but i took a freestyle ski lesson when i was like ten and it def. wasn't worth it to me. i learned more figuring things out on my own or asking kids in the park how to do it. skiing/snowboarding is repetition. just keep jumping and adjusting when things go wrong say your thrown onto your back lean forward a bit its all about learning from what you did wrong.
  2. it was 25 and 40, the original rumor was 35 and 60 but luckily that wasnt the case.
  3. the halfpipe area setup is exactly what i was talking about. leave the fdf take out that wood thing that barely anyone hits and put somthing fun thats not a 75% chance of catching an edge and dieing, when the temperature is above 20. and clean up the palmer it is not as down as the snow around it and makes the landing super impact.
  4. yeah like replace the flat down box with a dfd/fdf candy cane style rail! not 4 feet high but not 6inches when it gets buried in snow either!
  5. not during most days its a struggle to even hit the first jump in cascade. and i wax everyday.
  6. two weeks? slacker. on a saturday? gaper
  7. ill be there a lil after opening till like 6.
  8. yeah all the gapers forget skiing exists.
  9. yeah really haha its setup horrible. not enough speed to make the hugeee low but far gap. it was 10000 better setup with a jump lander. lots of stuff is setup awkwardly prolly will go back to normal once the huge melt happens next week.
  10. wallride warped and died. we need more features. i wannt a rail connecting a lip to a lego block sooo bad. or just a rail on top of a lego block. and the FDF rail.
  11. most likely a head injury... youve got to be injured pretty badly to get a chopper unless its spinal/brain related.
  12. i'd assume theyd rebuild blackbear for the slopestyle. butt ehh its pretty good right now the jumps could use some reworking though theyre getting a bit horrible. PLEASE PUT A LIP ON THE SECOND ROLLEr in that thing after the first jump in cascade. and the candy cane lip got chopped off again.
  13. i wont be there but my parents want to go. can they get the discount? my mom will have blackpants ans a white jacket and my dad has black pants and a camo jacket.
  14. i saw you i think. today was pretty good out. its hard to spin in falling snow but the first jump in tubing is dope, everyone said the second one sucked and they were all casing so i didnt even bother hitting it. candy cane is sooo nice right now.
  15. i think they groomed it out because of the time that it came. last season when we got all that snow it snowed well into the morning so they probably had a chance to groom before the majority of the snow fell. this year the snows weve had have seemed to come in the afternoon/night so they kind of had to groom because there was an ungroomed trail under the new snow already. it would probably get pretty wreckless pretty quick if they didnt do that. only the three sttep ones are steep enough anyway. try trucking down blackbear in a foot of snow youll probabbly get stuck half way down haha.
  16. oh i keep forgetting... the lip for the candy cane is WAY too skinny. widen that out a little and it will ride 100 times better.
  17. i was there from like 11-5ish. it was dope. ill be there friday.
  18. yeah its almost impossible to clear. and it would be ok that poppy if it wasn't such a bad transition it is gradual then it throws you so bad right at the end which basically destroys speed and makes you case almost every time. i was hitting it pretty much all day because it looked good from the lift but i think i may have cleared it like once, thats pushing in from where the boarders strap in then sitting on my tails till i had to stand up to hit it.
  19. i just wish it was bigger its like barely big enough to three. first jump in black bear needs to be rebuilt the landing has mellowed and it doesnt match up at all with the transition of the lips.
  20. Yeah pretty much everything that was new needs some fine tuning but like Burton71 said the small sides in black bear are REALLY easy to over shoot... was hitting the cannon and bottom tubing jump all day (which are now dope, the cannon doesnt send you to flat anymore) then went to the blackbear jumps and spun three to FLAT first try haha. landings for everything need to be bigger and the first big down rail in cascade is DOPE. the angle on the down rail is too steep for the butter pad because if you take speed to barely clear the gap part there still is too much speed after speed checking on the pad, which shouldnt have to be done because it will destroy the top part... i assume they dont rebuild it everynight so minimal speed checking on top would make it be in better condition for longer. i want to see the short handrail before the donkey setup as an up to barrel bonk. i didnt hit the BMX jumps because the downrails were too fun but i heard they were pretty fun. Not sure whats going on with the wavy jump thing next to the 420 box on blackbear but i guess it could vere the gapers away from skiing between those 4 rails. The first jump in cascade could be a little poppier, there is barely any air time compared to how big the jump is. Mark was out taking pictures yesterday and they are dope, i think they showcase the park pretty well for one day. he did the small baclkbear jump, then the cannon rail and bottom tubing jump. The double lips in blackbear are crammed but i think it would be a better use of snow to have the jumps get progressivly bigger through the line, instead of having two lips on each one. have the first one 15-20 ft second 30-35 i dont know about the snow situation in that park but i think a rail line down the side like previous years would be good, to have a flat box, the c box, and a shorter flat rail, or if there is snow take the knuckles of the jumps pretty far out to the sides and put the rails up on them. Over all its a good setup and i think it will get better after a few days of riding/grooming.
  21. the fresh snow helped a lot but lips and landings are still solid ice all through the day. they blew last night so hopefully that will help... the cannon is so sick but both the lip and landing have been bullet proof all week.
  22. in place of the first tubing jump
  23. the cannon is amazing. as is the second jump in black bear. rainbow ,candy cane, and mailbox are prime as well. props bear creek on the new setup.
  24. cannon rail is in<33333
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