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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. that actually sounds really sick. hopefully camel does that thing with the free tickets again at the end of the year. that would be baller.
  2. yeah built like the first on in cascade last year that was sooo sick.
  3. it doesn't really get that cold around here, dress appropriately and you will be fine. it does kinda suck when the snowmakers are pointed right at the lift though....
  4. i want a large anti jump this year
  5. snowflex, the groomers would crush the irrigation system blah blah blah
  6. yeah thats why the double was so nice becuase they didnt have to stop it all the time from people falling getting on/off or forgetting to get off. even with a large group the double was still nice a little waiting at the top but it was still chill.
  7. bear creek doesnt even need a hsdq i think theyre just fine with whhat they have.
  8. oh well its already in anyway. but the trails would be hella crowded with a highspeed and we dont need that.
  9. you should just 900 on
  10. its on WM again.
  11. mollyskeez


    go in the calender of events for november
  12. mollyskeez


    ha. i wish more than 2 people in my entire school ever knew what bear creek was.
  13. mollyskeez


    11/21/2008 - BC Ironworks Event Eveing of Friday, November 21 in the Lodge. Freestyle mocie premiers (titles to be announced) and a Rail jam in the base area (weather permitting). Open forum with BC ironworks park crew. More details coming soon! straight from the b.c website.
  14. idk if u know about or check out the nestors ski sale but i got boots there really cheap when i first started.
  15. thanks. yeah its harder to do than having coping like the boxes at bear but it can be done. that would be sick. thanks. yeah that was prolly me i live like right on the edge of richlandtown.
  16. haha. thanks; thanks.
  17. def. worth it i use it everyday.
  18. thanks. i had to put it in this one becuase my mom wanted to see the vid and she cant get into the otherones becuase at her work the computers have a filtering system.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuVcIoi7_pA
  20. thnkas, like 350. but the box material was free.
  21. crap. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=43707097 fail for me. http://www.vimeo.com/1836048 hopefully that works
  22. vid i made of me skiing my summer setup. filmed in three days. i dont know how to embed on here so heres the link: http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=43707097 what do you guys think?
  23. my mom and i ordered ours last night. gnar sauce.
  24. snow making temps snow park snowmaking temps park snow and the new features to be as ballin as they look.
  25. do you have line invaders?
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