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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. agree to dissagree. thats what i was thinking when they first put it in. i think it will def. be usefull on weekends becuase the lines did get a little long. im not really sure if they will run it on weekdays. to me it wouldnt really be worth it.
  2. i find this comical and dont really care anymore.
  3. wait its BS for me to call you out but you can call out BC's park crew?
  4. iwa simply stating the truth. i didtn get angry that you voiced your opinion, after all thats what forums are all about, i got angry because you state your opinion as a fact. sorry if me saying bears park crew was sick offended you thats my OPINION. you even know your a douche so whats the argument? my question is if bear creeks lips are all "wrong" and they have a sucky park crew. WHY ARE YOU HEAR?!?!! GO TO BOULDER!!! id rather have you NOT here. This season will proudly be my sixth season at bear creek so you dont really have much to claim there. who really cares tho. i dont anymore.
  5. maybe its because you present yourself as a real douche online. bear creek knows whats up. no.
  6. oh and to add to nicks post... bear has a sick park crew.
  7. agreed.
  8. i saw kid get his ski stuck in it already. when i learned how to do it it was burried up pretty deap so all i would do is eat it into the supports.
  9. oh yeah and im pretty sure its a flat down flat not down flat down. but ya never kno.
  10. well i just got back from bear and im really impressed wit all the new stuff. its all looking gggggrrrrreat. anyway. heres the pics i took. ^ half pipe filled in ^proof that the inverse rainbow is now alive and well not mangled up somewhere by a groomer. ^ mailbox. old feature but still great. i just liked how it wasnt painted all black like before. ^ almost all the rails accept for the flat box i was standing on and some stuff to my right. ^ i htink thats the only thing he missed. just a small railish box thing that is prolly either for practice or the little park. i think this would be a perfect feature for the side of the run beofre the park. there was also a small peice of corrogated pipe im not sure if it was for the top of a QP or somethign or just scrap from cutting the other peice.
  11. most definitely.
  12. headin in about 30 minutes to check it out for meh self. woooo.
  13. one time i went to boulder and thought to myself how much cooler Bear Creek was.
  14. i sure hope they do that would be sick.
  15. ZOMG I KNEW BEFORE ALL OF YOU!!!!!! LIKE IN MAY!! srry that was immature but i had to. anyway everything looks so sick. that dfd is soo sick. bear creek does have more stuff than boulder now. plus bear creek has a better personality mmmm. im so stoked for winter. even more than before. i didnt think that was possible. and the custom paint was just them trying out different color schemes. i think the lime green and black is sickest by far. is the sick disign gettting put back on the 420 box? because that was sooooo sick. punch then im the back of the neck... or better yet.. improve your bonking skills and use them as a feature. jokes.
  16. he shots from bears comps from like 06 07 were (or still are) on the website and i think you can just copy and save them. i know pondskimming this previous year you had to download it off a website. they prolly hired a company to take pics. ohhh and at the comps this year there were photographers but i never saw the pics anywhere. anybody know about that?
  17. thats so sick. how did i not see this beofre? anyway thats amazing sure beats bear creek. i gotta do something like that someday.
  18. maybe if they are REALLY good. or they do a sequence or something. i wouldnt pay 15-20 just for one pic.
  19. if it worked out they could make more money for the park. they should also do all around the mountain too though because the peopel that come once a year would prolly want a pic taken of them posing at the top of a trail or something. then since they are there with prolly their entire extended family everyone would buy one.
  20. it would be cool if the snowmakers didnt point the guns at the saircase, then park crew wouldnt have to dig it out.
  21. that would be sick, kinda like flow rider at camel beach. it would be sick if bear did this.
  22. this year i want that kicker that went to the outside red rail on the staircase because i never tried it when it was up.
  23. the fourth time (unless im mistaken) they already tookthe wall out. yes bear creek has very snazzy ideas in mind. i also really like the small jump in the begining and the big tire bonk that was so much fun because you could sorta bounce off it.
  24. bump... any offers?
  25. anyhmake it alittle tougherwould be sick lik enatural obsticals and stuff. maybne some logs or something that you have to pop over.. i dont think many people would be a fan of this tho.
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