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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. it will be free to pass holders but for noon pass holders it will be super cheap. nothing close to a lift ticket. because some people dont know when to appreciate. all they do its complain.
  2. for the last time. bear creek is a business they do things to mAKE MONEY. how would using electricity to blow a few more inches make them money when noone is buying tickets now. obviously bear could stay open longer than they are but they just arent making any money.
  3. i will but im leaving at 4.
  4. its was great all day. super nice conditions.
  5. oakley diesigned a sick yet simple set up. and for the long hike... you dont have to hike the entire thing maybe jut like 2 features in a row just hike them... i hear the park is starting at the gun just above where sasquatch intersects with kodiak and ending in the base area.
  6. thanks for the hikable park bear creek!!!!!
  7. ssiiiccckkk hikable parrrkkk yay!. sucks about closing tho..
  8. i think you would be satisfied
  9. chyeah. i never got to hit it either. those really tight super small BMX style thingswere lookin sick.
  10. noooo for somereason im not buying that. not that theres any reason not to trust you.
  11. i dont think the two days of rain will really do anything. its def. going to melt some snow but if they really have to they could just push out those jumps that take up alllooottt of snow.
  12. i hope its not Saturday. id like to know where you obtained this valuable info
  13. hmm thats surprising
  14. i heard they have to close because of a big wedding. i think you might have told me that actually
  15. id go for some tacos.
  16. yeah its not
  17. pond skimming is on the 22nd but that doesnt mean thats closing day.
  18. pond skimming is the 22 whenever that is.
  19. on saturday i heard rain mixing with snow a coating to and inch.... which in other words means down pours
  20. there wont be any rails on it im pretty sure.
  21. bear is blowing!! yay!!
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