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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. this thread is depressing me. this thread is depressing me.
  2. yeah like seriously today was HORRIBLE for noobs in the park. race team in the morning going off the sides of lipps then cutting around the back of features and hits the sides of lips again. then today i even saw a ski patroller waiting at the bottom of the big stair case for his i guess son to ride down the stairs. the complimenting him after he did it. i dont have a prob. with this axcept for the fact that the kid could have gotten seriously hurt or hurt someone else. just think if somone was gapping from the lip to the dwon rail and the go to do it and see a little kid sliding down the stairs i think they are going to get pretty messed up.
  3. they fixed it and the snow was like level with the Q/P. i didint hit it after they fixed it but i know before they did it was soo messed up... i went up regular and came down switch and since it had that lip thing i just went right on my back and saw others do the same... but after they fixed it id have to say it was looking pretty spiffy.
  4. i thinwould be cool. but as a last resort kinda thing. like i wouldnt choose to ride carpet over snow but i would def. choose it over not riding at all. the should hold a day in the summer where they set up like 4 rails with carpet and its like 15 bucks to get in.
  5. well the bench was falling out and then tried to take it out but it was too frozen in.
  6. hhahhahahhaa lol the best part is the guy on the cell phone haahha
  7. yep thats how it goes...
  8. i agree that jump was sooo nice today.
  9. dear bear creek, pease never do the stupid stair thing. missdemeanor.
  10. i like things in the middle but i think the jumps are fine now some poppy some not some in between.
  11. yocan spray this stuff called camp dry on them. you can get it almost anywhere i always get it at wal-mart. i spray my jacket/pants with it at the begining of every year and it makes the waterproofing last alot longer.
  12. the web site says 32-63 inches but i know there is alot less at spots becuase their werelike 2 brown spots on wednesday during the day.
  13. it doesnt matter if you crash a zillion times while your learning becuase i think we all do it or have all done it at one point. just clear the landing area in a timly fasion (unless your almost dead or somthing lol) and dont sit/stand in landings
  14. thats w had to keep telling myself last year to keep from going insane.
  15. yeah i guess your right but i know there will prob. be a ton of noobs just sliding the top part... like 50-50
  16. i think that little thing with the 420 box or octagon box on top would get rutted wwwwaaaaaayyyyy too quickly... just look how fast the 420 gets rutted when its 2 feet off the ground. same thing when its 5 foot drop.
  17. id say just get the ones that are closest to being about as tall as you. i have 169s and they are about as tall as me and i have no trouble at all with them. even coming from snowblades which were 88s. id say just get the ones that are closest to being about as tall as you. i have 169s and they are about as tall as me and i have no trouble at all with them. even coming from snowblades which were 88s.
  18. yeah i thought they had double hits last year like the ones in black bear.
  19. i have the regular spks from last year and they are a great boot but i get HORRIBLE shin bang in them. my shins are currently bruised because of the stupid shin bang. i still get shin bang even when they are buckled tightly and properly.
  20. it was pretty nice today. lips and all stayed nice even tho it rained for a little not hard but it did. snow was not soft but wet and slushy.
  21. i think you do because you might want to have a good amount of snow backing it incase snow gets a little loose or you just over shoot it.
  22. i refered to them as 3 year old racers because they are following a guy wearing a race team jacket... ok im done.
  23. id say that was pretty radical. only he can do shiftys or whatever you call them like that.
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