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Everything posted by mollyskeez

  1. gotta get corey on the mountain for the filming to put some competition in it tom!
  2. that would be sooo lame. why would they want to open the same day as blue? and theres more money on the weekends anyway...
  3. ya i love ice and mid winter granular too.
  4. i would bring it but they have all the online orders filed in binders i tihnk. if i recall u saying it was an hr drive for you i would bring it anyway lol. if youre under 18 you need a parent
  5. i hope they open wednesday... friday's my last day of school and i cant skip it. i was up there yesterday and they have really good coverage. almost everything is covered with wales. looks like the new guns on black bear do work.
  6. its still standign... upon looking inside it seems to only be storage for the mats that they use to protect the snow guns and light poles from out of control gapers.
  7. sweeeet. ive been hearing boulders setup isnt very good.
  8. springs has a supperr nice park. hope to get there again soon.
  9. not doing this but, entry fee?
  10. yes that would be sick have the big cannon setup with a gap to a big lego block and urban down rail off. like the new donkey or something.
  11. its from last year
  12. chyeaaa looking primee
  13. walls from toughmudder?
  14. madd sickk! so stoked. pic does not due the cannon justice... its large.
  15. anybody know of any family ownedish places to stay close to Killington? we don't need the holiday inn just a small cheap place.
  16. i was kidding for everyone who thought this was serious... haha
  17. should have done it with a major dubstep artist.
  18. well he made a huge cannon thats just like the candy cane. looks like its going to be soo sick if they actually set it up with a big gap/landing
  19. yeah and if youre looking to buy on newschoolers check out the sellers feedback on their profile.
  20. itsss in peicess. all the rails are detatched but arnt in any shape to be used on the hill last tiem i saww
  21. because it looks bad in the background of wedding pictures
  22. super sick! was the stuff weird sliding around on? ive never riden turf long enough to have to shave speed or anything. been talking about heading down to hit this.
  23. blue mtn. is getting new ones!
  24. prolly gotta be riding all that snow we got... finally doing front flips and shredding bears trees.
  25. hahahahahahahah winnnarrr
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