You guys are extremely funny. As far as the rules, we've had problems with that, so they are strict. They are warnings more than anything else. I wouldn't be worried about getting kicked due to those - unless you light up a joint while we're filming. People have rights, but just don't do anything stupid on the mountain.
As far as the "3 strikes" rule I had to create it because people are stupid and say "yeah, lets all meet at Bear around 3", and I'm there all night with no one showing up. I got unhappy because no one came when they said they would. Basically, if you promise you can come, and don't without giving me a heads up it counts against you.
As far as the trailer: Yes, it is other footage. That's because we didn't film yet, so we have nothing of our own yet. Once the season is finished we'll put up a true trailer.
I agree guys, the rules are gay, but so is the "Careful: Hot." warning on coffie cups. No shit.
Oh and about swearing: You can do it, but don't hit a jump with words blazing around others. Use it with caution.
If any of you have other questions feel free to post. Thanks guys.