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Everything posted by DJGoldeneye

  1. First of all, does he also skateboard? If yes, that could be the problem right there. Second, check the angle of his [front] binding. If its making his foot point out too much he will automatically turn his shoulders, always leaning off to that side.
  2. What the hell does that mean? Bikes and ninjas together sounds like a soggy sandwich to me... x(
  3. With 20 new guns i really wouldn't be fearful. They learned from their mistakes last year. Let's not bring it up.
  4. In all respect, riding is a personal thing. You are not one member of a team that has to work together to win. You are you: one rider. So I think you should just go into the park one day, watch the other riders, ask them, and try. Yeah you'll fall on your face a few times, but it's part of the package. In other words, GET OUT AND DO IT. Don't think, just do. That's what I did, and I went from not doing crap, to hitting almost every rail in about half of the season. It aint hard. DO IT!!!!!!
  5. You guys are extremely funny. As far as the rules, we've had problems with that, so they are strict. They are warnings more than anything else. I wouldn't be worried about getting kicked due to those - unless you light up a joint while we're filming. People have rights, but just don't do anything stupid on the mountain. As far as the "3 strikes" rule I had to create it because people are stupid and say "yeah, lets all meet at Bear around 3", and I'm there all night with no one showing up. I got unhappy because no one came when they said they would. Basically, if you promise you can come, and don't without giving me a heads up it counts against you. As far as the trailer: Yes, it is other footage. That's because we didn't film yet, so we have nothing of our own yet. Once the season is finished we'll put up a true trailer. I agree guys, the rules are gay, but so is the "Careful: Hot." warning on coffie cups. No shit. Oh and about swearing: You can do it, but don't hit a jump with words blazing around others. Use it with caution. If any of you have other questions feel free to post. Thanks guys.
  6. Hello, My name is Alex from the Airborne Clan. The Airborne Clan is just like a snowboard team, except no one is pro. We ride for fun. Our main mountain is Bear Creek. To become a part of our group, please go to our website aragornpa.tripod.com/airborneclan Trust me, you guys will love our group. Just fill out a form to enter, mail it in, and we'll get back to you ASAP. Check out our upcoming video "Flesh and Snow" trailer. Type "Flesh and Snow Teaser" in YouTube. Thanks again, and we hope to have you in our Clan! Alex
  7. That would certainly be nice, although with all this crappy weather I don't know. I was just in Mass @ Jiminy Peak, and only NOW did they start getting snow. So I really don't have a clue as to when we will seriously get a nice snow drop. Doesn't hurt to hope though. BC's gonna keep making their own snow.
  8. You know how when you pick up the snow it sits in your hand like sand? It's real tough to make a pipe out of it. I didn't ride, due to a broken hand, but I could tell it wasn't great. Sorry to everyone in the comp, but give it time.
  9. Just wait a little longer... it's coming. But it's not my choice, so... Andy?
  10. Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Sorry about that. Let me know what you want, and I'll see if I have it. Keep replying guys. BALLIN'!
  11. Hey I just wanted to thank everyone who showed up at the comp tonight. I'm Alex, who along with being a park crew member, am also a DJ. I provided the beats for the comp, and I hope you all enjoyed the tunes (though it was tough to hear, due to the MC... no bad feelings though) If you want more info on me, go to www.aragornpa.tripod.com/djgoldeneye for more info. Hope to see you all around again, and thanks again for your support. I know Andy can agree with me on that.
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