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Everything posted by Starry*Eyed*Suprise

  1. Philly's an awesome place. I decided to go to New York City, stupid me, I have no car... SO that means no New York skiing AND no PA skiing, unless I get a ride with SOMEONE. But no one in NYC has a car. So I'm screwed. But I have an in up in Vermont, my best friend goes to Lyndon State. I miss PA so much. I thought it was a shithole, then I left, now I see it's not too bad.
  2. God, I miss PA. And Blue. And skiing in general. NYC sucks, it's flat, and the closest thing we have to skiing in ice skating in Central Park. Why did I come here? I can't wait for my month and a half off at Christmas...
  3. I just got tonsilitis, so that rules out the entile last four days for me. BOO...18 years old and they've just decided to remove my tonsils NOW. Anyway, have fun in Vermont/Utah/Wherever you all are going!
  4. I wish there was a snowstorm this weekend. I'm the queen of wishful snow thinking and I'm wearing flipflops. Might as well make the best of spring skiing.
  5. Yeah, i know this is late, but my computer died for a few. We hit Killington and Pico, both nice, and it snowed everyday we were there. The way the weather keeps going down here (early ending to the season) I might try and get a trip up there rolling. Who knows. I love Vermont.
  6. NICE. That was the first one I saw, after that my friends and I noticed more...its become kind of a game, see who can find the most PASR stickers in one session.
  7. Oh god, skiing's almost over. I think a trip to Canada is in order...the season was just too short this year.
  8. You can't just say it might change and then not teel us anything else! ...tease...
  9. There used to be one on the divider rails of the quad line. It was only there for a week until someone ripped it off. I was on one of those chirlifts too...it made me chuckle.
  10. Yum...Vermont. I'm headed up there at the end of the month. Yay.
  11. Haha, and most of the 'ladies' on this board hang with the guys (I know I do) and have worse mouths than that at times (I know I can).
  12. Hey Skimom, your local rental shop will normally lease/rent you a pair for the day. You can generally demo any set they have in stock for a minimal fee, normally the cost of renting a set at the mountain. Hope this helps.
  13. I'll be there tomorrow night...after 4. Meeting my friend Chris up there after his snowboard instructor training. I'll be wearing a yellow jacket, blue beanie with silver stars on it, and riding a pair of Mick Nicks...short ones, the 142's from a few years back.
  14. When I tonight at around 7:00, they had the blowers going on Tut's. I would imagine that they are going to let loose on the whole mountain tonight.
  15. My friend and I are definately hitting it up tomorrow and probably Saturday too.
  16. From Blue: Special Events: The current forecast indicates that winter is returning! We plan on making snow again starting this Saturday and continuing for the next 10 to 12 days. We plan to open either December 17th or 18th. Anyone else stoked about this?
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