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About BurtonDominant31

  • Birthday 10/16/1989

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    2005 Burton Dominant 146 2007 Burton P1 Bindings Burton Hail Boots
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek/Blue Mountain

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    Emmaus Lax 31
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Emmaus, Pa
  • Interests
    Snowboarding, Lacrosse, anything outdoors. Oh, and I like the cold

BurtonDominant31's Achievements


n00b (1/10)

  1. As the title says, I am selling my Burton Dominant 146, board is in awesome condition, does show a little wear from awesome P.A ice chunks, but just to the leather snake skin on the top. Paid $400 brand new, i'll take $250 o.b.o My comments: Awesome board, I really do love it, I am looking to get a Burton Vapor for this winter, so it would be nice to have a few extra bucks to throw towards that. But if I don't sell it, well I would be happy to keep this as a extra to switch back and forth! (not actually picture of my board, but thats the design) -> Note: Board was rewaxed and edges sharpened last year before I went to Vermont, so it's good to go!
  2. Used Ride LX Bindings, probably used about 20 times max. Their in good condition, their sized large. Comes with the base plate but no screws, unless i find them, even if i do, you will be short two screws because I ride a Burton and I can only use 3 per binding rather than the standard 4 per binding Price: $90 o.b.o Please e-mail me @ jbpiv@vzavenue.net I am opened to offers, please e-mail me b/c i don't check this that much during the summer.
  3. Website says the Sunday.....
  4. Mace would work too... Would make for some wicked snowball fights i must say
  5. I agree with a new trail similar to the OLD timberline... New timberline sucks, there is really nothing to it... First time i rode it this season i was all pumped, once i was half way through, i thought it was the most pointless thing ever... Park wise: associate like natural crap, i like the tree idea, but more stuff like that, you know.. Oh, and jsut throwing it out there, maybe make the snow flavored? Like cherry, or grape or something? ... edible snow..mmmm
  6. I go up there Friday nights to ride, and I noticed the same thing... Except Friday nights is Ski Clubs nights and u have a million little kids running around... This has made me come to the conclusion that they need to re-teach how to count to 6 when kids hit at least 8th grade... I was there the other night, and I saw 4 different groups of these kids go up... Right away I counted seven people , the one time the lift attendant didn't even notice till it was about to start going... Or you get the kids who dont ride with anyone else but their friends, so they stand in the runway for the lift till their friends are all even... at the same time this is defeating the whole purpose of the guy sorting everyone out.... Maybe i diagram with 6 stick figures and little numbers above their heads would help?
  7. But, if Paradise is changed to a normal trail, its still a Green Circle Trail, they can still ride it, but it allows other people who ride under control to ride it faster... As for sidewinder, thats just a big risk to sit in the park to watch in general, with the big hits, your really taking your life in your hands to sit there and watch
  8. I just don't see why it can't be a normal Green Circle Trail lacking the Slow Skiing, No reason why beginners could not still ride/ski there its still the same trail, it just allows people who can handle riding a bit quicker, CONTROLLED and un-recklessly to do what they like. Yeah, I wouldn't mind if ski patrol still stood at the corners to see if anyone is riding out of control, weaving in and out of people and just being plain stupid; but whistling at people who can control themselves, and ride like a experienced person at a faster speed is just not needed. (Just wondering, being I sometimes like being a wise guy, would you get yelled at (if it was even possible) to race on the bunny slopes? Their not labeled a "Slow Skiing" Trail on the Trail map) If your in favor Paradise becoming a normal trail, without the "Slow Skiing", say "I"
  9. Alright, I personally can't stand the slow skiing trail designation on Paradise, yes I understand its a designated spot for beginners and all, but thats why they have 3 School Hills total on the mountain. And I can understand Burma Road, but Paradise is such a nice trail, longest one at blue, and (At least from what I think) always has the best conditions on the mountain, plus its probably one of the widest. Its frustrating because, yeah I'll ride a little bit faster than most of the people on the run when I actually feel like doing it (more and more I avoid it these days...) but I ride in control and basically off to one side of the trail, So I'm not weaving in and out of slower skiers/snowboarders (which in my opinion is more of something to worry about rather than people skiing of to the side a bit faster). For Instance (prime example of why i avoid the trail) Friday night, conditions were amazing at Blue, not a spot of ice, i decided to take a run down paradise, no one around me, so like always I rode the side, and yes i was going a bit fast, i came around the second turn, no ski patrol (from what i can see) and wabam, some lady comes out of the woods (no lie either) and yells SLOW DOWN! idk, but i just think they take it a bit to far there, to be that desperate to catch people by hiding in the woods is a lot also. No other mountain in this area (That I am aware of) has a designated slow skiing trail, let a lone 4 (Easy Out, Vista, Burma Road, Paradise) After that run with the lady coming out of the woods to say her words of encouragement we rode the usual non-busy quad up to the top, and as we were passing over the new trail area, all we could hear from the paradise direction was non-stop whistle blowing. Literally. So whats everyone else's opinion? Now that I got my whole long story out
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