Alright, I personally can't stand the slow skiing trail designation on Paradise, yes I understand its a designated spot for beginners and all, but thats why they have 3 School Hills total on the mountain.
And I can understand Burma Road, but Paradise is such a nice trail, longest one at blue, and (At least from what I think) always has the best conditions on the mountain, plus its probably one of the widest.
Its frustrating because, yeah I'll ride a little bit faster than most of the people on the run when I actually feel like doing it (more and more I avoid it these days...) but I ride in control and basically off to one side of the trail, So I'm not weaving in and out of slower skiers/snowboarders (which in my opinion is more of something to worry about rather than people skiing of to the side a bit faster).
For Instance (prime example of why i avoid the trail) Friday night, conditions were amazing at Blue, not a spot of ice, i decided to take a run down paradise, no one around me, so like always I rode the side, and yes i was going a bit fast, i came around the second turn, no ski patrol (from what i can see) and wabam, some lady comes out of the woods (no lie either) and yells SLOW DOWN! idk, but i just think they take it a bit to far there, to be that desperate to catch people by hiding in the woods is a lot also. No other mountain in this area (That I am aware of) has a designated slow skiing trail, let a lone 4 (Easy Out, Vista, Burma Road, Paradise)
After that run with the lady coming out of the woods to say her words of encouragement we rode the usual non-busy quad up to the top, and as we were passing over the new trail area, all we could hear from the paradise direction was non-stop whistle blowing. Literally.
So whats everyone else's opinion? Now that I got my whole long story out