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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. SICK! I'm so stoked for this year the new features look legit!
  2. I was watchn some vids n this looks so sick bear should deffinatly try to get sum like this next year also maybe inbetween this and a handrail
  3. not to be a dick but if its so useless why did you post in here?
  4. i personaly think to keep noobs out of the park bear should make a moat around all the rails and fill them with sharks "kinda like trans am at bb" since the tall box thing hasn't worked this year the parks were really legit we ddn't hve the tall box theme!!!
  5. I think Andy, Tom, and all Bear's parkcrew kept up with the park and made it really sick this year
  6. how the park was setup the last two days was sweet small urban and medium urban some stuff was dug in some was a lil higher it was super sick i still think a lil longer mailbox would be supersick more roundrails maybe some wider roundrails would be ill
  7. edit: a super long mailbox would be really funn
  8. you gotta keep some wild rails.. unless your blue and that all you have New something like the boulder bomb and a mellow battleship would be sick
  9. under keep type your favorite features under garbage type what you think needs to be trashed and Need type what you think would be cool for the 09 10 season Keep? New handrail(from bc railjam) Big hit was super sick this year PoleJam wall Actualy everything was super sick this season Garbage. hmmmmm... idk new. More circle rails(like handrails) maybe a wide one log and pole jams bigger dropin for big hit
  10. the jumps are really nice except for the lips they are nice and mellow then at the very end they kick you up and back anyone know why that happens?
  11. true.. bears jumps are extremely sick i think i should start waxing my board next year though
  12. i think the problem is slope.. the jumps arnt that big and it is still hard to get speed.. i think there needs to be a drop in (like they had in the comp but bigger)
  13. that was mostly a joke.. i was just really bored since i cant board but i wouldn't mind having a kodiak jumpline or park passes
  14. that would be sick.. camelback really stepped up there game this season
  15. same hopefuly it will be up soon
  16. i heard tom and andy just got done building a floating rail should be out next week the new teleport will be in at the end of the month also
  17. here is my idea... left side is park right side is for the "5 star resort" the carpet is made a double and snowtubing is moved, the left side can be the new beginner park with little hits and boxes/rails right would stay big hit but now that a drop in can be built i should be named MONSTER HIT:) hahaha kodiak can be redone with a nice slope for a jumpline with the bottom cut in half for the other part of the mtn and park A B C chairs could only be for park passes Edit: i almost forgot a parklodge could be build for people with park passes BCIW should be incharge of every decission in the park half"open/close hikepark/no hikepark blowsnow/don't blow" the other half could then be mannaged by the mannagement that is already there
  18. any chance of bmx jumps or skatepark this summer? maybe a small snowflex boarding/skiing setup?
  19. great season thanks bciw
  20. today was day 100
  21. the bottom rail line was so sick today props bciw.. to bad no hikepark
  22. these are some sick pics
  23. dam... what happened to the good old days when you atleast had to blow something up to be considered a terrorist
  24. they have tons of snow.. it looks like thurs n friday are maybe blowable night with lows near 20 i have faith they can keep the lifts open atleast one more week if not more maybe just the park lift and carpet or something?
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