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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. there was i guy taking pictures and he said they would be on the website... well i have waited and they still arn't on so i'm wondering what happened to them
  2. i think that they should just put all the snow in the park so they can keep that open for a long time
  3. i don't even want to know what they put in their chicken cheese steaks they are so bad. last year they were mad good but they have just gone down hill
  4. curly fries Vitamin Water and put 4 chicken in the baskets for that price we should atleast get 4 chicken if not more and i like the buffalo wings idea
  5. from what i have heard that isn't there last day they are planning on staying open
  6. Heard a rumor that pond skimming is next weekend
  7. when are the pics going to be up?
  8. yeah cascade needs work the hikable park is great
  9. where they had the rail jam is that open as a hikable park now?
  10. ryan said they wern't gunna open that untill it was rebuild
  11. that really sucks.. atleast it is the end of the year and you will be fine by next year
  12. anyone know when the pics from the jam/slopestyle comps will be up?? how are conditions i'm about to leave?
  13. that is soo sick that post is sad the season feels like if just began i don't know what i'm going to do when bear closes
  14. y u hate youngbloods so much? were you up there for on sunday for the comp? black bear was funn just a little weird how they had a litte jump then a bigger one on the flater ground you think that it would the the other way... maybe i'm wrong what happened to tom??
  15. they will probly do it tonight
  16. i hope it is a cool looking sticker
  17. anyone know when bear will put the final scores and pics up on the website?? alot of people are pissed about how a 14yr old did nose grabs and won the 12 and under catagory
  18. i have been looking at the webcams and the crowds have really died down. their isn't much longer of boarding left please allow offpeaks in durring peak hours.
  19. what time is the comp??
  20. i have a good question... when can i see the pics from the rail jam??
  21. the judges have to know something about snowboarding/ skiing.... i don't think bear would pick random bob out of a crowd and ask him to judge
  22. i'm sure it was hard for the judges to judge the finals all the wth were throwing down the other's were throwing down 2 what happened to chad??
  23. that matt/flipper/front flip kidd is really good. you can't tell me it doesn't look sick when he does it wth kidds are good but that is just pathetic that you are trying to get frontflips banned
  24. okay so they didn't have a very good park... atleast they are blowing in the middle of march
  25. yeah that is the DJ i'm talking about
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