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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. i'm pretty sure the snow will be gone with all the rain we have had
  2. tell ur mom i said happy b day hahaha yeah the roads were really bad about a hour ago
  3. that is a mistake it is going to rain really heavy tomorow
  4. some people are don't like the word crue and want it to be spelled crew i don't get the difference but whatever
  5. that is true...
  6. i thought gaper day was april 1st
  7. you were the people who did that that was so sick
  8. i have never been to spring mt but i know it is by bear creek and isn't that much farther of a drive bear is going to be packed this weekend
  9. you fake today at lunch you agreed with me "honk" "honk"
  10. do they have one of them for snowboarders???
  11. okay i guess i will probly do that
  12. i really like the park the only problem i have with it is all the rails are very high out of the ground "high rails suck" some are funn but bear makes them so high that i chicken out on trying stuff
  13. that seems like the most logical idea
  14. EAZY i hate to be the one to tell you but they have blowers in the pipe now i wish they would give up on trying to open the pipe
  15. anyone have any ideas on what bear could do with the 1/4 pipe???
  16. that hat is sick
  17. i am a snowboarder so it might be different but it seems that it has alot to do with how you set up on the lip you may be leaning back to much or forward to much
  18. i would rather buy a full system because i don't have an air compresser or anything
  19. congrads on getting ur backflip
  20. tubing park is great but cascade could use a little more flow i can't rotate the 1st and second jump it seems the 1st lip shots you to the right and the lip of the 2nd is to the left of where you land and the tight turn makes you lose speed that is just what i think
  21. i hated how they had the bleacher early in the year it was so much better set up as a wall thing
  22. how was the comp?
  23. anyone know why they arn't blowing on blackbear?
  24. do you know where i can get a cheap one?
  25. true there is no flow in the parks at all. ex. in cascade you can't hit the 1st jump and the 2nd jump and if you hit the dfd then you can't hit the step up and if you hit the up flat gap down it is hard to get speed for the flat down rail and the 1/4 pipe just sucks i have been sick and havn't hit the new blackbear park but from what i have heard is that to clear the 2nd jump line you have to 50-50 the flow and pump after to clear it and the big side is almost imposible to clear i don't know if that is true but that is what i heard. that parks just have no flow
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