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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. that is sick... sadly it is all blowing into the woods
  2. anyone do the comp or watch it?? how was it
  3. haha i was 2 lol
  4. is it still for sale??
  5. i was exagerating a little bit dumbass
  6. ooo yeah i read that after i posted haha why does bear make every rail 10 ft out of the ground??? they put their rails on top of a mound of snow and then don't dig them in. it is like they don't want people to get better i have just been watching boulders videos and none of there rails are that high. bears park crew really need to go take leasons from Ian on how to set up a park
  7. how is the new setup?? i have been sick and havn't been able to go check it out
  8. is it just me or does it seem there is more noobs in the park then any years before?
  9. tonight might be okay bear is pushing piles around on the webcam
  10. the qp idk i have hit it 2 times and it sucked. not to mention they need park crew to watch it because the lip needed to be fixed every min now it isn't even open only chance is if they blow so much they just have a half it sticking out and they build a lip so it is bonkable
  11. idk bear made some really retarted stuff...
  12. from what i have hear blue has a really nice double rainbow blue really stepped up there park unlike bear
  13. the wall ride was so much fun.. now we have the homo quaterpipe that suxs balls
  14. yeah i was a little suprised with the conditions tonight
  15. he came in behind me or from the stair set i don't know where but when i looked around there wasn't anyone so i droped i figured he must have been right by the stair set when i looked
  16. well to tell the truth we are planing on doing carpet boarding all summer my friend did it last year and it worked good. i just think it would be nice for bear to do it on a little bigger scale
  17. okay i have a good story.. i was goin to hit the halfpipe jump and called drop i was rotating a 360 and right when i spotted my landing i noticed a kid maybe 2 ft infront of where i was landing luckly no one was hurt
  18. i pm him the same question like 2 days ago i never got a answer
  19. well maybe carpet or something on a run or maybe even the top back parking lot it isn't ever full in the summer and bear could just build a drop in and put a rail in and have a carpet landing
  20. a really really wealthy company runs bear... it would be no problem for them to put snowflex in on one run.
  21. that rail was sick... for all the blowing they did they don't have very much of a base
  22. i took 3 from bear but idk how to put them up it was sooo bad on sunday before the super bowl
  23. i am just saying that bear make a good amount of money... think about it you can get a amp for 1.89 at wawa but at bear they are 3.50 wawa probly buys it for 1 if not less and bear probly buy it for 1 or less i know they must have a huge electric bill but they make ton's of money i think they should try snowflex, carpet anything and see how it works then make a decision to keep it or not for the year after
  24. Adult ticket weekend extended day lift $52 Extended Day Ski Rental: $28 Private leason $70 ... bear pays the instructors min wage which means they make $60 off every private leason lunch chick basket and drink are $9 hotel rooms are alot bear is making serious $$ i hope they can put some of that $ into a summer program
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