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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. i have been looking into snow flex and it says that i will be 8 to 16 million for a 1600m2 area but that includes a parking lot and lodge so it would probly be cheaper since bear has all that. i don't know if this is right 1600m2= 5248 ft2= idk how many acre's that would be but considering bear spent 40 million on just there lodge..(i think) and i don't think that includes the new hotel expansion 8 million isn't that much to bear and like if bear wanted it to be on a smaller scale then maybe they could just do carpet or something... i am still hoping for mark/andy to comment
  2. that would be nice and would probly keep alot of noobs out of the park but the only complaint i have with that is that is that it is nice to go chill on the other half of the mt
  3. snowballs are gay i know people that throw them i don't really say anything but it is just really gay. and if one person gets hit then they want revenge and throw 5 and then they want revenge and it is just a big chain of gay snowballs
  4. the noob problem was really bad today... atleast i saw pat(parkcrew)and some other people telling the families about the dangers and how they are can get hurt or hurt somone doing what they were doing
  5. actualy me and another jr instructor are in the back ground haha that was a stupid post haha well anyway i was goin to hit the butter box after a noob family "dad and son" and they ended up walking across the butter box i went up by them and was like buddy you can't walk across a rail it is dangorous. he was like ooo i waited my turn i'm said dude u walked across the rail he was like come on man i will slap u silly i said okay do it and you can have a nice ride in a cop car he walked away
  6. i think that quater pipe turned out really gay... i asked park crew the point and they said they had no idea and were still trying to figure it out
  7. if anyone looks at the 15 day it looks like bear may not make it much longer. IN THE 15 DAY we have one high in the 30's (39) all good lows are HIGH 20's which is sucky blowing and we are getting alot of rain most highs are in the 50's and high 40's i think it is a goood idea for bear to be a leader in pa and do some snowflex, carpet, anything to keep people riding http://www.accuweather.com/forecast-15day....&traveler=0
  8. if you zoom in on the pic there was a kidd being cut of goining to the butter box, kids being cut off every where this is just a random pic from bear websitehaha bear has a noob problem
  9. i am talking about the summer. it could maybe be like a weekend thing or something where bear could hold little comps or something what i really wanna know is if there is anychance mark/ andy can make it happen
  10. the weather has been really shifty the last couple of years and it seem global warming is taking over(this topic is not about global warming so don't post if u believe in it or not). i think it would be a great idea for bear to put a little money into snowflex, carpet, astroterf, anything and a rail or 2 that they can change up once a week. i think that it shouldn't be a all out thing i think it would be nice for it to be like a skate park except for a snowboard park all bear would need is 2 or 3 people to work it a day and charge people a "little" money to session it. this would not need a lift because it is for the hardcore park rats. this may not make great cash but it would really help bears popularity and deffinatly get some people out there boarding. i know bear is concerned with it being a problem to groom over that is why i sugested carpet because it can be rolled up and put away in the winter. bear could just do it on the bunny hill and have it maybe go up 40 ft if that. If bear wanted to expand it or use snowflex with a lift the bunny hill would work too. everyone knows that bear doesn't need 2 bunny hills so they can just use one as a snowflex run. I hope bear creek will atleast consider the idea post from mark and/or andy would be great i know this idea has been in here before but i would really like to see something happen this year ideas?
  11. see i think that idea sucks because then you have to wait to ride the park... the lift is long enough as for the ski patrol they are just as much of a problem today a ski patrol and a friend were standing in the landing of the dfd and a noob"FAMILY"rode by and they didn't do crap even tho the family was rolling over the jumps creating a hazard for people trying to do tricks (not all some board and ski patrol are sick in the park)
  12. me and youngblood did just that about a month ago
  13. that jump was perfect for rotating on best jump in the park i really like the soft landing it was a +
  14. I agreebear shouldn't do the gay stair idea but somthing needs to be done with all the noobs it was just unbeliveable tonight i would get cut off 10x and when i did try 2 drop i would accedentaly cut somone good off w/out meaning to the parking attendants don't do s*!t so i think it would be a good idea to take 2 of them and put them at the top of the park to keep families out SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT THE NOOBS IN THE PARK
  15. thank u California is so much better longer winter bigger waves better beaches
  16. youngblood we should hand them out durring break tomorow.... when we arn't filming
  17. PA sucks if only i could move to california where i could surf in the summer and board in the winter
  18. bear has a problem building lips besides the one jump at the bottom and the 1st jump in cascade bear gives the jumps to much pop or not enough
  19. y do almost all the ski patrols have to be dicks? i mean i try to be nice and say hi and all i get is a dirty look they all act like they have sticks up their a$$e$ ski patrols flip on people for riding a little wooded trail when we get a little fresh power and flip on people for building a little jump on the side of the run i think ski patrol needs to get there crap 2gether and stop bitching at the little stuff and relise that the park is becoming a major problem with all the little kidds and gapers in it
  20. it is becoming a safty issue there are more and more noobs in the park every week. it is hard to get a nice run because of how much i get cut off. i think it would be a good idea for bear to have 1 guy at the top of cascade and blackbear park just to tell noobs, 3 yr old kids, dads that have their kids on leashes that it would be nice for them to go try the "FAMILY" park and after they get better comeback and they can ride blackbear and cascade park. i have seen and old 70yr old lady push her 4 yr old grandson along a flow rail i think that it would cut down the amount of people bear sends to away in ambulances down greatly anyone agree disagree???
  21. some people are really uptight it was a fucking joke for u dumbasses who couldn't tell
  22. the first jump had to much pop and to steep of a landing yesterday in blackbear
  23. i don't think it was on top of a mound yesterday i hope they don't change it it is perfect
  24. i have a feeling the grooming guys and andy will blow us away with a good pipe i still think it should be filled in
  25. thank u bear, the 4 20 is perfect
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