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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. those kids are always in the park beside how pissed off i get for them cutting me off and ruining the lips i am more mad because they shouldn't be aloud to ride park . they are goin to get hurt
  2. oo yeah people with offpeaks do it all the time.... sadly i have no room to talk because i have done it before not i have an working pass so it is all good
  3. as i see it bear has a FAMILY park for a reason can the dads with their dogs on leashes go to that park and annoy the f*ck out of everyone there
  4. the first jump in black bear needs a shorter landing because it is really hard to clear i tried most of the day but never got it
  5. doesn't matter they are set they have a ton of snow
  6. i wouldn't really do that i love bear but they really have to think alittle more and get some good comps goin BRING BACK DJ CALI this has nothing to do about the topic but i want bear to change the 420 box so there isn't 10 ft drop to landing as i see it there is no point to a butter box with a big drop because all people want to do is try stuff and butter around on it which is hard to do with it soo high out of the ground
  7. i hope a manager reads this so they understand what people thought of the rail jam i can drive in 2 years so i'm considering getting a pass at boulder just because of how nice their jams/park are
  8. 10 of the same jumps would get boring
  9. well he didn't want to miss the bus!! haha that really sucks for him i hope he is okay
  10. the park is really nice but most lips seemed really screwed up but that dam 420butter box is so high off the ground when will bear's tp crew understand that butter boxes shouldn't be really high off the ground how i see it a box is to learn on and having it 5 ft off the ground and a 8-10 ft drop to landing is mad homo
  11. Dj Cali was sick... he played more then we fly high(ballin) he is a snowboarder so he actualy gets into the jam this Dj just stands around bring back cali no...no one could get across the box to throw a good trick
  12. okay i don't wanna play negitave but they plain out suck. 1st. bring back the old dj from last year he was sick this new guy sucks ass 2nd. it is imposible to get speed for the box/rail 3rd. why would bear pick the 420 box?? 4th. can we get more then one hit??? because one rail/box to session all night is really stupid 5th. the prizes suck i don't even think they gave a board out tonight 6th. how many times do people have to post about how gay it is to have a butter box 7ft off the ground and a 10 ft drop to landing ??can bear just try digging it in so it is maybe 1 or 2 ft off the snow and a little drop to the landing?? 7th. what happened to the shirts you would get for signing up?? shirts are probly the best thing to give out GOOD STUFF Park crew you did a great job trying to make the really bad rail jam good you had some good ideas to bad they didnt work thoughts??
  13. snowboarddude


    yeah i broke it a couple of weeks ago and got a new edge wall and base patch but the base patch broke in half i'm just praying i will get it back before the comp tomorow night how do u know i ride a weapon???
  14. i like it i think it is a little harder but it is alot of funn that up flat gap down is really funn but would probly be more funn if the gap to the down was bigger and the set-up had a really weird lip when i hit it but it was till funn bear is doing some nice stuff the only thing i sugest is that bear puts a flow urban... like 2 years in the half pipe when it didn't even have a lip and what lip it did have was built was on the side of the flow
  15. snowboarddude


    yeah same sadly my board broke so i can't make it up
  16. i wish bear would have more comps more often
  17. is it just me or are the jumps in cascade step up ish
  18. from the sound if it the good good park will come for the upcoming weekend keep your fingers crossed
  19. i bet when big hit gets set up like last year we well get some good jumps for spinning
  20. i agree that we need a nice 10 ft jump that is good for spinning on (for beginners and for warming up) like the jump that was after the stairset i was gettin 540's and tryin 7's off it hahha got sorta close to the 7 but it was probly luck because it was hard to spin that quick
  21. i had the same problem when i learned 3's the main part is that you need to commit more a good way to learn is just stand and jump and try to rotate as much as you can then try it moving then find a nice little hump or roller doesn't need a lip and try to rotate a 3 after you get that down try it on a good 5 10 ft jump
  22. cascade park on the 3rd jump but it isn't a jump anymore
  23. i hit it like 5 times but the lip up to it was bad and it looked kind of bent it seemed that they did a really crappy grooming job last night
  24. sick thanks for the update
  25. set up looks great on the web cams can't wait to ride it in an hour
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