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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. i saw you take some hard falls atleast the snow was really forgiving
  2. haha i saw you and k2rider shredin it those 3s n 5s looked sweet
  3. god tyler if only i was as smart as you
  4. rumor i been hearin is 21st there looks to be some cold it would be nice if they just blew ALLOUT in the park i mean every gun they can fit and just do what boulder does in the begining of the year and run hoses from kodiac and the bunny hill n destroy the park if they beat blue and spring they should get some business
  5. is bear done for the year or if they get a cold front will they blow?
  6. pondskimming the 15th and March 22 or 21
  7. hopefuly they will move this back a week or two
  8. haha yeah but we need a legit one
  9. we need a pole jam.. i was watchin youtube and they look so fun
  10. is that a new rail? i don't think i have ever seen it before
  11. hopfuly this year i'll get a pair though
  12. atleast rent a cops get paid
  13. i get it when there are tons of people but there were only 3 people out 1 happened to be a ski patrol shouldn't they be working on avalanche control or something important in the back bowls??
  14. thanks to the whole 2.5 in natural snow at bear this year.. atleast it is an improvement from last year haha for where we are located we have a sweet jump line
  15. r you kidding? the jumps are perfect right now
  16. of course tyler... since you are entering there is no point for anyone else to enter right?
  17. the tree was set-up legit today it was so much fun
  18. k2rider.. dont you think if andy had the snow, weather, vert, and space to make a bigger feature he wouldnt? if bear made anything much bigger then the bottom jump it would be near imposible to clear i heard a carpet boarding rumor anyone else hear that? for next year bciw should steal kodiak redo the pitch so it is kinda like bbpark and then make a nice 3 jump line then the bottom half of the run could be a rail garden
  19. stop complaining the park is sick this year!
  20. its called a joke about our shitty weather:)
  21. chill dude accidents happen i'm sure everyone has accidently cut somone off not meaning to i just happens.. just because he was a instructor or ski patrol doesn't make him perfect accidents still happen i still don't understand how you were the downhill skiier and he cut you off?
  22. i think a urban mailbox would be sick!!! they built a stall for the qp already they should just use that
  23. not at all dude bear has much better snowmaking than that shit hole
  24. 5 boards, 3 bindings, 5 jackets, 2 pants, 2 helmets, 2 gogles
  25. o its extreme i heard its taken over 30 lives its a good thing bear has upgraded their avalanche control i wouldn't dare ride it
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