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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. that ledge ate the shyt outta everyones board
  2. i agree the table to 420 was a waste of time but the park was really nice from opening to closing one thing i would like to see happen at bear is have them turn the bleacher up hill or on more of a slant atleast
  3. did bear blow last night?
  4. i would like to see some bonks
  5. they should make a vid all bout the falls and shit eating people will be doin on that rail
  6. where is the 420 box?
  7. no offence but the snowmaking in cascade has been pathetic but the redone park looks nice very nice can't wait to ride it friday also with the christmas crouds the black bear park is gunna be extreemly crouded since there is only one tp atleast put up 4 rails in cascade so it can take some of the croud away from black bear park
  8. did bear forget about cascade or is that getting redone tonight?
  9. i see blackbear being redone the features look sick
  10. that is good to know... thanks for the update
  11. i think bear needs to put rails/jumps in cascade and leave the mid park how it is
  12. Bear needs to put features in cascade
  13. I think the problem is they only have one park open and 200 people are hitting the same 4 rails all night once cascade has features in it the rutting will probly not be that bad
  14. i like having the rails dug in deeply like they were tonight
  15. the jump was hard to get speed for but besides that the rails were perfect i liked how they were getting dug in more thye were alot easier to try new stuff on
  16. i hope the park is redone tonight or tomorow what is the deal with cascade those guns seem to not blow very much snow
  17. bears owner is loaded
  18. one word for you *JFBB* they redid the parks and they look ill after looking at them i don't think bear has any chance of catching them
  19. this is kinda off topic but does boulder pump there water for snowmaking from lake harmony??
  20. i wonder if any of the people talking in here relise that in the begining of the thread you were all for bear waiting and making bigger features in cascade now that bear does it everyone is pissed off at them
  21. they put all that stuff in cascade so quit complaining when they get cascade set up there will probly be more urban features acording to the weather they should be able to start blowing early and might make it all day tomorow a parkcrewer told me all they need is more snow so cross ur fingers and hope the weather changes in our favor
  22. how can you be complaing with all this rain we have had in the past week with the amount of snow they have the park is sick what happened to the bottom red rail they need to put somthing up at the bottom without the rail the run seemed alot shorter
  23. i'll b there at about 2 i'll be wearing a mad hott hoodie n a gay a$$ helmet w/ oakley gogs n black pants
  24. that sucks... when does bear plan on redoing the park?
  25. i was really looking forward to them being able to begin blowing at 5 or 6 tonight but atleast they are blowing
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