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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. sick edit
  2. they had the staircase open and the cliff is just a drop as of yesterday
  3. that probly has alot to do with it but they do it out west so i don't know why they couldn't do it out here
  4. Bear needs to consider expanding to the back or somewhere where they have room
  5. i think the ledge and step down box are nice features
  6. there harder park isn't open yet (cascade)
  7. are you making an opening day vid for bearcreek?
  8. burton71 my guess is that you have an unlimited pass and u don't go to school so u can get up there early to ride the rails in good conditons if u have riden the park on a weekend night you would probly agree with everyone on here about a mid day grooming
  9. if he falls to his heal side u need to put more forward lean that way he can get up off his heal side
  10. the only problem is the ponds are getting low.... that should not be an issue after this week of rain
  11. i think bear can make it all week they have good coverage
  12. it might not ruin your day but it would still be nice to have a good lip
  13. that is true but i'm still all for a mid day grooming
  14. it might take 1 hr to do all 3 parks but i don't think it would take that long to do one park
  15. i don't think it would take more then 20 min's to groom the park and they could shut one down at a time so you will still be able to ride park
  16. looks like it is gunna cool back down in the late part of next week
  17. i think they should because the park gets really worn out on the weekends
  18. count me in at about 3
  19. conditions were sick... the ledge seemed to eat my board tho
  20. i see they are putting the new flat drop flat box in that looks sick
  21. i will be there grey coat and black pants riding a k2www
  22. the other day i was up there and they had dd, 420 box, dfd, fd,flat rails, flat boxes, and the superman box but they were all in the top parking lot i hope these rails arn't being scraped but i can't think of why all the other rails are one the mt but them they might have run out of room on the mt... atleast i hope so because the 420 box, dd, and dfd are my favorite rails
  23. i heard that the park crew is working all night to get the park ready for tomorow???? true??Bear is moving rails right now: )
  24. whats that mean
  25. haha beating boulder would be a huge deal... i don't think it will ever happen tho
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