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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. rowsdower please don't make me cry
  2. with 28 they can blow at every humidity!! i have seen bear blowing with a high temp of 35 and they blew all day
  3. BEAR has there winter site up!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i think that bleacher thing is going to be sick
  5. the lows friday - 27 sat-28 sun-31 mon-21 tue -22 wed - 27 thur - 28 fri- 28 out of 7 days bear can blow 6 of them!! i hope they blow
  6. i don't feel like reading all that!! can u just tell me if it is goin to be a hott or cold winter?
  7. the upcoming forcast lookes great!! i hope bear will take advantage of it
  8. i'm hope they will blow all out
  9. have u looked at the 15 day i think bear will begin snowmaking over the thanksgiving holiday
  10. that isn't always true it is snowing out now and we have a good coating
  11. it is snowing and we have a good coating
  12. next friday it looks like we are getting a cold front with temps in the mid to low 20's. Who thinks they will take advantage of it?????
  13. next friday it looks like we are getting a cold front with temps in the mid to low 20's. Who thinks they will take advantage of it???no one do this one because i posted 2 and didn't meen 2
  14. i agree
  15. i think bear should make lighting better
  16. i like the idea of starting with small features all over (cascade and blackbear) then haveing bear change it when they get more snow and keep expanding till it is bigger
  17. that would be sick if we had the longest thread ever
  18. where is that thread and how long is it?
  19. personaly i think that is the gayest feature ever but no one will know till we ride itpersonaly i think that is the gayest feature ever but no one will know till we ride it
  20. i woke up and looked at the weather and again acuweather changed it!! i shows next thursday or friday bear should begin makin snow!!! everyone x there fingers that the only way this report will change is get colder!!i'm back to dec 1stwe will know when bear is planing on blowing when we see them moving their fan guns!!
  21. yet again acuweather is wrong w/e maybe next time
  22. DEC 1st
  23. i can't get them workin
  24. i have friends that went to the job interview and the head people were telling them that they need 2 nights of blowing and parts of the mt will be open i would say dec 1st if they are pushing the whole mt but it not i think then can be open before
  25. bear is turning very urban!!! i hope the box is set up easy this year w/out the big drop off
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