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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. wow u r godly at reading weatheri hope u r rightso that cold air is gunna cut the la nina off?
  2. i don't think it really matters and i don't think u can blow at 45
  3. i tried reading them and they are mad hard... is there a good % chance that the cold will come and stay and be really good?
  4. does the cold air mass look big?
  5. those movies r sick... wish i could have made it uup there
  6. how do u find this stuff out?
  7. i can't drive yet n my mom doesn't feel like driving all the way up there
  8. i just don't wanna drive an hour away 2 go boarding... with 3.00 a gallon i would be fine with a rail garden
  9. the link was busy... the pics looked sick tho
  10. ^^ shhhhhh... can't we be optimistic?
  11. look how much boulder blew in 2 or 3 nights... bear has a better blowing system(i think) they could open
  12. how do u know the pattern will change in the begining of dec???
  13. there better not be a la nina! if there was an la nina y would it already be down in the 20's at night and y would boulder have the earliest opening ever??
  14. i think they were saying they need a 48 hr of a wetbulb of 28 or under to be fully open
  15. looking at the 15 day there is 3 days of good blowing and then 2 warm days then 5 days of good blowing after!! with how bear is talking about there new snowmaking system i'm think they can have 75% of the mt open with a good base is bear considering blowing?
  16. looking at the webcam it looks liek they are blowing... that doesn't make sence... they could have blown all week and they pick the last day to start
  17. that ledge lookes like it will eat ur board!! bear looks liek they have some time to blow at the end of the week... do u think they will???
  18. ^^ true true i!! they need to change around the park a little more often though!! and extra lighting couldn't hurt
  19. pics??
  20. i have heard bear was testing some blowers the other day!! n they will blow mad quick because they have 20 more guns and more electric and more water and doubled how much water they can pump in a minute i think it went from like 4000 gpm to like 8000gpm i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that was it!!
  21. Boulder i love u... do u have a predicted opening day?
  22. acording to acuweather it is 31 with 80% humidity!! how is that working??
  23. boulder just anounced they are blowing snow right now
  24. Boulder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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