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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. when did u start blowing?y arn't the webcams working?
  2. i have heard that story before and i don't believe it... bc has park crew out into late at night an groomers out all night and snowmaking people out all night.... what do u have to say to that??
  3. ^^ true
  4. it is sad that boulder is getting all ready and bc doens't have one blower set up : (
  5. is boulder blowing now or not?
  6. we know there are indian burial grounds on the timberline side and mines on the tubing side the Question is is it haunted or not?the other Q is were those scary movies really filmed there?
  7. cool pic
  8. they are looking like they wanna open in those pics
  9. ^^ i'm 99% sure he was kidding
  10. did they blow snow last night?
  11. not 2 much longer n every one will be back up on the mt's boarding/skiing
  12. ahahhaha sure
  13. thats the girl that told me that bc is haunted and mad weird stuff happens up there at night!!
  14. can we get some pics from the rail jam??? how was it
  15. where did u hear they were opening??
  16. i want bear to be open for turkey day!! that would be sick
  17. i will give u 25 $$ if bc is open on friday
  18. i thinking dec 2nd!!
  19. can we get some pics
  20. we are right on the blowing border.... up north they should get some good time in tho
  21. i thought we were talking about smoking trees??
  22. is it just me or is that box goin strait down!!?? looks sick... is it going to be dirt boarding or snowboarding??
  23. how can i get more info about the rail jam?
  24. i have been watching the 15 day for a month... i kno i have no life.. haha but according to the 15 day 10 days ago it was gunna be snowing on nov 3rd and 4th!!! i don't wanna be a party pooper but don't get to excited over it i wouldn't complanin if they are right!!
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