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Everything posted by snowboarddude
i thought blue just got bought by some new guy???
sold??? i would have bought it
i guess you are right but i still miss the kind they had in cascade or the mini tp
has bear added the new snowguns yet? where are they being located?
i can spin a 40fter it is just fun 2 pull little halfass tricks on the little 10 ft jumps that they had in cascade before they redid it n not worry bout eating shit
lets c they had a shytt chanel gap a shitt 75fter that i fucked up on alot blew 2 much snow and covered the ciff countless times!! some good 40 fters but no little jumps to try your tricks on (like the ones in old cascad ~i really really miss them~) bc made a sick butter pad at the end of the year and had a sick step up that was mad funn but got bording after a week... i don't think the cliff turned out how they planed it but they ended up putting rails off it but
i loved how they had it for the last week like that jump over it and it looked sick to 3 over
event calender... it is on the 2nd w/ a movie after
anyone have any information one the rail jam at bear creek on dec 2nd or the one at mike and matts snowboard shop on nov 3rd??
i love that barrel it was sick!!
i think bear needs the butterbox with a littler lip an a littler landing n like have it more dug in the ground also why are bears rails red and black i think they should make them more like white or pink like mammoth... i think that would make them look less challenging
where can i get info about this nov 3rd rail jam?
i meen like box like the butter box only alot smaller and bear has a s rail but not very many people can do it so i think i might be a good idea for bear 2 add another one that is wider and easier but that is just my opinion
a box that is close to the ground with a little lip on it
that would be a sick rail for bear to make another s "BOX" http://www.relentlesscore.com/The%20Rails.jpg another sick box rail *bear needs to make a progression style box like boulder has too just some ideas
how are they having a rail jam on nov 3rd??? it isn't gunna b below freezing are they gunna import snow from india?
sick bc mark thank you for the update! i still think bear needs a s box!!
i have never seen a rail like that!! sick bear
are the new snowguns going to be focused at the parks or the other half of the mountain??
i hope we count as the north part....
yeah i suck at spelling n i don't have a dictionary
now that we are getting closer 2 the bc season does anyone know about any reliable weather websites with a winter outlook???
things r falling into placemark arn't the guns u had put in last year now facing that divider between tp n kodika(2 lazy 2 check speelling)???? how will that work?
is there any chance that we might get a high speed or is it too short???
mark was on her multiply times n he didn't post anything so my guess would b no