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Everything posted by snowboarddude
ever think he was refuring 2 the mountains/ parks? because i know after u snowboard vail n shyt lyke that pa is nothing** i ment no offence against bc in that last comment.. bc is crazy for the east and for what they have 2 work with
that would be sick if we got like 10%
if making $$ is a question i personaly think bear would have alot more money because not many people around her have a place to wake board n people would probly drive mad far for some good wake boarding
i kno this is just an idea n is just floatin around but if this would happen would it b open for next summer and would the year round pass be unlimited use of snowboarding and wake park or like an off peak thing?
o... i 4 got 2 ask how much it was gunna cost n would u have something like a season pass? and with all this expansion is bear talkin about expanding and or buying any more land?
that wake boarding thing sounds sick... maybe u could get snowflex w/ it lol is bear gettting anynew rails or just fixing up the old ones? bc i looked for new rails when i was there and couldn't find anything!!
dam i'll buy a chair 2 that would b sick 2 hang in my room!! bc is gunna b sick dis year
5) Permanent separation between the tubing park and the terrain park set up in the tubing area 6) Additional lighting in the tubing park area of the terrain park does that meen that bear is gunna have that tubing park year round like they did last year?
talkin bout mark.. i really wish he would give us some ideas of wat is happening! it doesn't look like they r putting any new trails or lifts in this year but who knows!
i'm gettin pissed.... i havn't commented on here 4 a long time but i thought mark or marry would have givin a lil idea to wat will b happening next season
wat a suprise... we had a shytty year n the passes go up again:( http://www.skibearcreek.com/summer/winter_seasonrates.aspx
my bro took a trip out there n said all the water pipes are bein replaced n that the pond is huge!
I'm goin to california to go surfing dis summer!! n i'm goin to south america to go boarding
i hate this waiting stuff! lol
or there new snowmakin fleet... lol! that is wat is so good bout boulder, it is build on lake harmony they have mad water there
it is just easier to type. if it means that much to u i won't say dat anymore. lol
all i can say is that is was amazing!! boarding in may.... i think i might rethinkin where i get a pass(screw bear boulder roxs)! lol
nice movie...
that sounds sick! they have also cleared some trees from the top of the bunny hill! i hopbear makes the paw run into a plazza like they have at boulder, with like a lotta lil easy rails but i wish they would put the butter box down there too.
u only got 31 stickers... dat sux i got 83 n i got a big cardboard thing from f.. it was mad sux!! i love big boulder
i kno.... it just seems like 4ever!! mayday was great but it suxed knoin it was da last time i was boarding! w/e i guess i will have to wait for dat report. i just hope it is gunna be mad sick
does anyone kno if they r gunna have da lift runing?
well dis really sux dat nobody has any idea what they r goin out there
well i'm comin n bring my friends... lol! wat r they gunna have at dis rail jam? is it even worth comin?
i don't get y they don't get it! I kno people would come in from Ny n Nj n all over Pa.. I don't think they will make dat much money on it but they would deff make a lil! i think that is a better idea to get dat snowflex/ w/e it's calld then to be spending millions to redo da snowmaking system every 3 years... even if they only tried it for like a year n just put it on da bunny hill... to c if they even made money! atleast then they could make a good decision if they should get it