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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. according to the weather channel they arn't looking very good
  2. so anyone know why its 21 out and not one snow gun is running?
  3. park is so great i really like the black pipe how it was setup yesterday
  4. thanks for the updates this weather really sucks.. hopefuly christmas will be nice so bear can make back some of that $$ they lost with all this rain!
  5. top jump in the jump line is soo sick super stoked on these new parks tomorrow
  6. tonight was icy but i was happy to see that the mountain did have snow left... looks like some good blowing coming up this weekend should be nice park is still legit. saw park crew fix ever feature atleast once when i was there Constructive criticism.. Getting my pass scanned EVERY run? it seemed like even the liftys were getting pissed about it.. i can see them trying to get most people but they get everyone every run and if your pass doesn't scan in time you don't make it on the lift... i'm not trying to be a dick but it just seems a little excessive what are other peoples thoughts about this?
  7. well if you figure out a way to move the mountain... be sure to take my house too thanks for the updates and hopefuly the groomer can fix this mess the rain left
  8. usualy rain isn't this big of a problem because it usualy just turns icy and runs off but yesterday it was so warm that didn't happen which created a larger problem i think thats right
  9. hmm this is a good question opening is the day they opened their lifts so i guess your right nevermind but they gotta get credit for the hikepark i don't know
  10. dude don't doubt bearcreek haha its a nice thought though
  11. pa weather sucks and so does global warming atleast bear got the earliest opening ever that is soo sick!!
  12. i'm liking this dome idea.. even if it was only on blackbear and kodiak hm this would create a new type of comp in pa summer boarding??? what would something like that run in price
  13. i think it all depends on how much rain we get but i doubt they will have enought snow to open them
  14. well it looks like we have a new one now
  15. ahh.. i was hoping to go ride tomorrow this weekend looks good tho hopefuly the 57 high and the rain won't ruin everything
  16. looks like they didnt have to stop early... they still had them on a few minutes ago... i think now there turning them off
  17. just got home from bear and they blew tons of snow today
  18. thanks for the update
  19. i think so
  20. i said that the setup was nice today and that it was nice that they had preseason rideing???
  21. park was sick today.. they blew a ton of snow im sure bciw crew will have a mad sick park tomorrow hopefuly even a nice little jump??? so stoked to get on the lift props bciw for having this preseason hike park it was so nice
  22. just got home from bear and they have tons of snow... the piles are like 15 ft if not more its soo sick i'm so stoked to ride the lift tomorrow thanks for all the updates mark
  23. nevermind i found it http://www.ngravis.com/clients/ironworks/Default.aspx
  24. whats the url?
  25. is the new site up?
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