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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. they are still going!!! this is soo sick with the low of 19 tonight they should get really good production
  2. yo thats so intense hopefuly a weekend opening??
  3. sorry dude.. haha i didn't know if online school was getting to you yet
  4. this is marks last post
  5. o damm did u hurt it bad?
  6. thanks for the update
  7. yeah i can't wait to ride that new lift im hopein for this weekend
  8. they had to shut down for like 30 min's because of the storm but the snow is holding up okay park is still legit
  9. good thing no one was hurt...
  10. thanks for the update how many nights of blowing are you expecting to need before opening after this rain?
  11. anyone know when the bciw website will be up?
  12. this rain really sucks... hopefuly the snow holds up good and temps drop this week
  13. thats a legit idea... 2 bad bout the ski school the new rails are soo nice. good work bciw
  14. ill be there green,tan black white jacket black pants
  15. thanks for the update mark hopefuly the weather will turn so we can get a chair open with a top to bottom run but until then this hike park is soo sick lastnight review... really nice till like 7 then it got a little harder but the park was soo sick all night park crew kept the lips and landings perfect great night of boarding again
  16. hopefuly something.. the webcams don't look too bad so hopefuly atleast cascade and black bear will be open for the weekend
  17. i was wondering when we will see this bciw website up and running?
  18. its the same trail you just get to it by the triple now
  19. bear is boulders biggest comp so far this year... that is soo sick
  20. wow... that is soo intense cn't wait 2 ride today
  21. i have one request can we get a drop in for the tire bonk jumps already?? dam bciw is really workin 4 a great park n its only november i cant wait till they get a base i have a feeling bciw is gunna make the sickest park ever at bc
  22. andy and park crew made the sickest setup it is soo sick props to parkcrew
  23. thanks 4 the update... the hike park looks sick hopefuly they can get a lift for tomorrow
  24. so my drawing on the computer sucks... sorry but i was going more for the idea then perfect angles and everything i figured i would leave all the complicated stuff to bciw i just think the idea of it is kinda cool
  25. the jam was crazy tons of people all tryin their hardest to drop really fun night great setup bear fdf?? i would like to see that set up as an urban dfd i think that would be alot sicker but put it like a double lip
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