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Everything posted by snowboarddude

  1. thats always a posibility haha
  2. bear will probly blow because if boulder, camelback, blue, and all other resorts will probly be blowing
  3. low is around 30 tonight it is very doubtful that they will turn them on tonight but tomorrow the low is 25 so there is a good posibility they may be making the white stuff
  4. thats a joke right? bciw where its at!!!
  5. haha no they cant give out tickets for grinding rails so they probly won't be interested in featuring it in their show
  6. hell yeah
  7. if they get a good chunk of nice cold nights i don't doubt they will blow but it if looks like it will warm back up a day or two later they probly wont blow
  8. a mini rainbow would be soo sick maybe a mid season present??
  9. is that official because i have not seen a picture
  10. snowboarddude


    if your looking to stay on the cheaper side... stay in the city and drive up to the mt in the morning
  11. trutv channel 122 for me service electric basic package i think
  12. maybe we will see you on trutv next season
  13. best thing of the night... go back to the north pole santa
  14. yes winners... there is a high speed chase at blue haha ps... go back to the north pole santa
  15. at blue you get tickets or kicked out for boarding/skiing fast hahahawow
  16. i'm watchin this show now that one guy is a dick to kick that kid out for just bomb a run that was BS i hope that ski patrol dick gets in trouble that wasn't needed
  17. thats really nice to see but its still 10 days out weather people have a hard enough time guessing 5 days out 10 or more days is just guessing still really nice to see tho i'm stoked for this cold front coming hopefuly bear can get an early start to the season
  18. that aframe looks soo sick nice to see the inverted is alive hopefuly that will be out this year more
  19. it's still early in november i have faith in bear opening early
  20. i really hope this weather breaks so bear can open this nov. it would be sick to be able to board/ski on thanksgiving
  21. i think he is meaning for park riders
  22. if the question is if you can upgrade halfway through though the year you can do that. if you buy and offpeak and it just is not cutting it and you want a unlimited you can upgrade my little brother did it last year it will cost like 100$ for the upgrade
  23. big boulder PARK is back10.30.08 | By ian Hi All, Thanks for responding to Jessica's Blog, I got to leave Mount Snow that mourning and came right back to boulder. I'm proud to say that the crew at big boulder PARK has done it again. We will be opening a small hike-able park friday night october 31st from 6 pm to midnight. I cant think of a better way to kick off our season and only being 181 days since the last time on hill at mayday we are at a half year of riding. Not bad for the Pocono's Free to ride (you just have to put on a ticket from one of the crew), free hot dogs, and lots of good people kicking off the season on Halloween. Dressing up is not mandatory but would be hilarious. So see you here tomorrow, and we will be deciding if we are opening on saturday on friday night so keep posted on www.jfbb.com thank you all -Ian- Big Boulder PARK strait from the web site its legit but what does "Free to ride (you just have to put on a ticket from one of the crew),"
  24. sweet i'm there but where did you get your information?
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