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Everything posted by jdew

  1. jdew

    This Friday

    Almost. All but Rhodo was open on Sunday.
  2. I would say entertaining.
  3. What class. . . . exactly what was expected from you.
  4. Thanks for the spell-check Coach. All the same, it was nice of you to admit that you couldn't handle it.
  5. It started out that way. Then "ski" couldn't handle someone critisizing his home montain and was then called out for it.
  6. Thanks for the clarification. The recommendation that you follow your own advice stands.
  7. A wee bit sensitive there, aren't ya? Relax. . . . and maybe take your own advice re CB.
  8. As in by this weekend? Do tell. Would love an early Christmas present like that. And now the mandatory - Blue is better, better snow, better lifts, better bumps, better park, better place for all my buddies to tell me how great I am. Blue lets me ski for free. I don't know why everyone doesn't go to Blue.
  9. Not very convincing.
  10. he said steezy.
  11. Breckenridge and Keystone.
  12. "Camelback will begin its 45th season this Saturday! Camelback Ski Area will open this Saturday, December 8, 2007. Camelback will have up to 18 trails open on Saturday, with a variety of terrain for all abilities." or "WE WILL BE OPENING FRIDAY DEC. 7TH FOR SKIING AND RIDING FROM 8:30AM TO 10:00PM. WE WILL HAVE 10 TRAILS INCLUDING LAZY MILE, ALL OF MAIN STREET, BARNEYS BUMPS, MIDWAY AND COME-A-ROUND PARK." 18, 10, 18, 10
  13. They open this Saturday with Laurel Glade only. Won't know until then. I wouldn't expect much being that Saturday will be opening day and it will be the beginner park.
  14. It will probably be this Saturday (12/8). They probably want to take advanyage of the current favorable snowmaking conditions while they last. I'm sure they still have vivid memories of the first week in January last year when the big melt occurred.
  15. still boring.
  16. Well, good for you.
  17. Are you talking your opening day, or the resort's opening day?
  18. That's great news. It will be a nice change from the usual Birches and King Tut for the first weekend of the season. This certainly could be viewed as a positive move for the customer. Thanks Camelback.
  19. x 2. When you are at the top of the lift and you point down to "your house", that means that it is lower in elevation. Help the handicapped, tis the season.
  20. If it made good business sense for them to do it, they would do it. 1000 kids on Laurel Glade . . . . you really believe that 1000 kids would show up? What would 1000 kids do on Laurel Glade? Stand side by side? Yeah, that would really create some great "stoke".
  21. You don't know. Oh here we go again. . . the master of the Unwritten Rules of the Camelback message board is at it again . . .and again . . .and again. Boring.
  22. boring
  23. Don't look for them to start until after Thanksgiving, and only then if the weather looks favorable for any snow that is made to be able to stick around for a while.
  24. The adult Sun-Fri season pass sells for $389.00 and college student pass sells for $259.00 plus there are probably receiving a lift-ticket voacher for each day that they work that they can give to anyone. Seems like a decent extra to me.
  25. Rule # 6 - hijack threads Check this out. Talk about off-season conditioning. http://wfmz.com/view/?id=116843 http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbc...NEWS/706260335 Will's a star.
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