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Everything posted by johnnyman

  1. From the lifts today my sons and I were amazed by the number of very small kids, some small enough to be using a ski-harness, that were skiing through the terrain park. More than a few kids, and adults, were skiing through as well, obviously with no intention of using a rail or a jump or anything else. At the top were riders sitting and waiting to take their turn, while these others, who to me had no business being in the park, clogged things up. And it wasn't very crowded today. We don't ride, so it doesn't affect me personally, I just don't understand why, with a nearly empty mountain, people feel the need to bring their kids through there.
  2. Sounds perfect. We usually get on the road in time for the open. Thanks
  3. My sons, 11 and 8, and I have just really taken up skiing. We've been out to Blue a few times, and just spent 2 days at Pico, keeping to the greens, but past the beginner/school trails. I'd like to get some opinions on the green trails at BC, as well as how it compares to Blue (for our level). We've enjoyed Blue, but it sounds like BC might have lighter weekend crowds, and less ice. I'd appreciate any help.
  4. Being a newbie I can still appreciate more experienced skiers wanting to fly down Paradise, and I agree it makes no sense to crack down on people when the trail is deserted. But I'm sure the boarder who knocked down my 8 year old as he slowly plowed down the middle of the trail on Sunday thought he was in control. There were plenty of people skiing and riding "fast" that morning, and most were in control, and as long as we didn't get erratic ourselves, I told my kids not to worry. Problem is, as with many things, people over estimate their abilities, and underestimate the effect it can have on others.
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