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Everything posted by KyleL

  1. yup, everyone was planning on doing it, i was the only that went through with it
  2. i was there, got hurt in practice, still competed didnt do as well as i wanted to. probley seen mean there, tight pants.
  3. hey program how come you didnt do the comp on sunday?
  4. my age group 13-17 pipe snowboarding 1.peter pape 2. kevin breen 3. kyle luza(me) 13-17 rail jam snowboarding 1.dominic luza(my brother) 2.peter pape 3. elf
  5. KyleL

    Great Last Day !

    i think there was alot less pressure at the party in the pipe and rail jam then at oakley rail or bail, they were both alot of fun. it was a great season. i looking to maybe going to sno this weekend but im not sure yet.
  6. i was there yesterday, it was pretty sweet. at first it was sooo slow but once it began to rain it was faster, it wasnt bad in the rain but i got hot and took my jacket off i got pretty soaked. i spent the whole time on the hikeable park then took a few runs on boulder
  7. ahhhhhhhhhh i have work saturday but i think im doing the rail jam
  8. ejfwenmrw4h i got in trouble yesterday and couldnt go im pretty sure i will be there today
  9. KyleL

    Camels park

    ahhh mann your soooo right... im an idiot, go ahead talk shit about cb
  10. KyleL

    Camels park

    im wrong? wrong for defending the mountain that i ride at? nahhh im not i was hoping to be this year but i think i will be next year. actually i will be working at CB and riding at BB next year since i will be driving by then agreed
  11. KyleL

    Camels park

    in my opinion more then once papanosteeze ask toast about talking shit, i wasnt the one telling people not to go to camelback, so why are you asking me..? camelback, boulder, shawnee, sno. why dont you ask your son about that, i could of sworn he said it improved? and nope...the pipe was not cut either. fine, you win i will go to boulder and kill it in there pipe....oh wait nevermind i heard the walls arent even vert/ but honestly it wont stop you anyway. you will always continue to hate on camelback. but what do we have here. i thought you were planning on telling people to not waste there money there if they were primarily intrested in park? but here you are at camelback...oh yeah and when i asked if you were hitting anything in the park you didnt answer...?, i thought you would be right on top of that. i have nothing more to say... get at me papa
  12. KyleL

    Camels park

    for all you people that hate on camelbacks park, your obviously not there enough to talk shit. im there everday, if someone wants to try a new mountain out, let them.
  13. i gotta admit it was pretty bad towards the begining of the day, i got there alittle after 3 and i didnt like being all wet and stuff, but as the day went on the snow got more packed and i enjoyed it alot more.
  14. word sonn perception is top of the line and i expected better from a dvx. but overall i thought it was sweet. i cant wait till i get a decent cam. and nick i think you know my brother dom
  15. yeahhh boy, denniss...WHAT!?!?
  16. just wondering, will you be complaining next season about cb since you didnt ride there as much?
  17. okay for the 2nd time are you hitting the flat down flat? the c bow? the battleship? alright how about the easier boxes on laurel? what about the 2 foot jumps on easy park are you hitting them? i think that your answer will be a resounding NO! and for the 2nd time everone knows BBs parks are sweet, i get passes there all the time. there is no comparison between them wa wa wait. i thought noone wanted a park pass to a park that sucks but now its a god send?
  18. rainbow to kicker, jump, little hip, battle ship, flat down box i usually just stall the rainbow then spin the jump, its pretty decent alot better then the jumps on laurel, i wish little hip was bigger. and the battle ship did have a gap on but now its ride on. flat down box is pretty sick but slanted to the left alittle(the box that was used in the oakley comp on sunbowl) but i like the battle ship the most on that park. its cool that you can hit pipe then this park.
  19. then they lied to you, im there everyday. im friends with everyone on park crew. everytime im on rhodo the lips are fine, maybe if they threw you up alittle more it would be better. the only things i have a problem with is the jump next to the flat down flat which dosent really have a landing, and i think lipside box should be turned facing towards you while your riding down the trail and wallride should be tilted, those are the only things i would change around on rhodo, but other then that i think it is sweet. papa please dont try and act like you know what your talking about when your not there everyday, the parks are different when you went and seriously your not hitting it anyway so why are you bitching?
  20. frontflips i think are easier, i was almost able to do backflips the first day of camelback out of the pipe but kept slipping out. but recently i broke 3 boards on front flips cause i flip to slow and break the tails really easy. idk but i think frontflips are easier
  21. funny guy
  22. alright well its a good thing you dont ride there anymore. stay at boulder. everyone knows its the best, stop comparing it to other mountains.
  23. actually i want a park pass to a park that sucks. if you there everyday and have to deal with tons of kids on laurel its nice to go somewhere else where theres less people. why are you always hating on camelback? you dont even ride at cb anymore and your constantly hating on it.
  24. i agree with more stuff on rhodo, and the flat down needs to be alot lower. i like the flat rail, i think it needs a landing though(more then what it has) because you are gaping out so far cause your going fast but other then that i like it.
  25. it couldnt of sucked that bad if you have an avatar from camelback.
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