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Everything posted by Matt-Stunt

  1. haha yeah homie! came back for a good week to visit the fam. be back out sunday ill get at you
  2. And i hope shit goes well steve, such a bummer. hopefully see you around soon bro get well
  3. SUCH a fun day!!!! by far the best junp i've hit in pa EVER!!!
  4. Yeah ill be there. Wayy stoked to ride real snow again. Shesh would be where its at just to get back into things.
  5. super stoked!!! any word on comp or funsesh yet?
  6. SSOOO stoked for you guys! keep us posted!
  7. SUCH A GOOD TIME!! big ups to boulder and everybody who made this work.
  8. that blind sw-up nose bonk was dirty. love the camera grill
  9. haha jeff you sneeky sneeky man you
  10. yeah good to meet you finally, seen you around on here a bunch but never rode wit you. CHEA!! to blue for makin yesterday work, madd fun and good setup but holy heat stroke!!!
  11. this is true!!! dan Mc-bonnerpatrole has his truck driver, cruton, octo, turd sniffing and hairy butthole kissing grinds all on LOCK!! watch out compeditors! OH YEAH and i also heard wind of some kind of "diaper invasion" he wont tell anyone exactly what the trick consists of but i heard its a move he does to take 3 year olds to secret locations via the basket on the front of his bicycle. watch out parents!!!!
  12. i hear dan mcdonald's blowin up and gonna take it this year!
  13. fa sho! ill be there with poles giving KT an old man lecture about how he should not play with sharp objects when he's drunk.
  14. bummerfest.com
  15. thanks KT! lips on coulda been better and lil more explaination woulda been nice, but overall a fun time. and OH MY GOD THE MUSIC WAS OFF THE CHAIN!!!!!!!!!!! :killyourself:
  16. soo stoked on this!!!!!!
  17. i-tunes and i think its the origional version not the remix but i could be wrong.
  18. found this and have no clue who or where it is..haha ???
  19. sounds dope as shit! where will this be set up?
  20. we use the green astro turf that you can buy at home depot, its like the stuff they use on mini golf courses. soap and water it real good and its moneyy i have some pics that i havnt uploaded yet. as well as some dope footage on my camera which i have been having problems uploading with so ill get those pics up here like tomorrow.
  21. i was there yesterday and tuesday and they lost a lot of snow in that short ammount of time. thatd be sick as shit if they kept it going for next week but dont get your hopes up anyone.
  22. yeah and jumps and q-pipes in the warm wether jam sessions get destroyed wayy too fast
  23. me and big-ben have a super legit setup. you really have to see a good one to understand whats good with them. anybodys welcome to come sesh or just check it out. for real hit me up.
  24. MAAAAADDD fun yesterday. such a good setup!! props to bear!
  25. prolly like 45 thats my opinion but everyone was a different guess especially on the snow. last two days at blue are always the most fun for a number of reasons, such a good weekend!!!
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