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Everything posted by Crayfish
Check it out! The new glade looks like it will be great! Pics Here
Some people are just assholes!
Anybody check out the blog on JFBB lately? Looks like Fluffy was right about what's going on at JF!
From what I have heard they are not harassing you, but you are harassing them. Everybody has to pay the piper if they get caught and you sir have been caught so shut up and take it like a man.
Nobody at JFBB on weekends? That's not what I see when I'm there. Just because there isn't a 30 min lift line or 2 hour ticket line doesn't mean they are not busy. JFBB has never been in danger of going out of business. The Peak Resort's era has seen nothing but prosperity from what I have seen.
BDK knows what he is talking about!! JFBB was the original resort to offer this promotion! I'm glad to see the other resorts copying. You know what they say........."Imitation is the highest form of flattery" I'm glad to see that the other resorts in the area are trying to compete but my money is staying with the original and besides who can claim an open domain policy and there is one and only one Elevator in the poconos!!! Long live the Glades!!
I wonder.........how about Indians? Curry anyone?
I thought maybe the 16" of powder on Floyd's got him or even the sticker bushes on the elevator!
I love you. You love me. We're one big happy family!. */singing in best Barney voice*
What do you mean?
Enjoy checking out the new JFBB.com site and have no fears the Boulder Park website will be up in the near future. The jfbb.com site has been totally re-done from the ground up and because of that boulderpark was temporarily shutdown for technical reasons.
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!!! I believe that is exactly what Camelback is trying to do.
It always looks to me like the moose is holding a bra?!?!?
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words so here's 3000 for you!!
Sunrises on East Mtn......a beautiful sight to see!
First Tracks on Sat mornings at 7:30
Jack Frost has a separate building on the snow where the free ski check is located. This building also is the "season pass validation only" spot! The BB validation window does get crowded because of the location next to Guest Services. I noticed that people get upset when you tell them they have to go to the ticket building, so it is kind of a no win situation trying to keep everyone happy. Where do you think a good place to put the season pass window would be? I think the Boulder Park Lodge would be too far out of the way, but that is only my opinion.
Windows Users Link - Freedom Park Webcam You must install the activex control in order to view the camera. You will see a pop up bar appear on the top of the page. Click on it to allow and then click Install to install the control. Mac/Non IE Users see below: IK-WB15A, IK-WB21A These cameras are ActiveX based, and can only be viewed using Internet Explorer on a Windows PC without 3rd party software. To get around this, you can use Windows on your Mac through virtualization software such as Virtual PC (For PPC based Macintosh computers) or Parallels (for Intel based Macintosh computers). There is also a Mac program (for both PPC and Intel Macs) called Security Spy (more information at http://www.securityspy.com) that currently supports all Toshiba cameras except for the IK-WB15A and IK-WB21A. However, the IK-WB15A and IK-WB21A can still be used with Security Spy with some customization until the software is updated to support these newer cameras. Follow the instructions below to configure Security Spy to work with your IK-WB15A or IK-WB21A network camera: 1. Click on
First of all I am not a BB staff person "poo pooing" your ideas. Second, if ski area staff are always "poo pooing" your ideas, maybe that should tell you something. I would think that ski area staff know more about running their events and areas then you. I don't see how you are promoting and encouraging a business when you make sarcastic posts like the one that started this. You make posts stating how nothing done is good enough and you can always make it better and bigger and then make comments stating you know nothing, talk about opening the door. I merely stepped through the door and pointed out the facts that there are costs associated with running a ski area and things are not free just because it is late season. The Buckman's Rail Jam was during President's Week which is the busiest week in this area. It makes sense to spend money, get sponsorship, and promote a big event during that time. In MY opinion it makes no sense to layout that kind of money in May! This quote shows how little you actually know of marketing/operating a ski resort. Self admittedly you do not know the costs associated, so how can you effectively operate/market the event/resort? Tell me who in the world would even suggest making snow in April at BB? If you are the marketing god of all events/ski areas then maybe you should put your money where your mouth is, contact BB, sponsor and run the Papasteeze Rail Jam!
You REALLY don't know anything!! Do you think that everything at a ski resort is free? Do the employees need to get paid? Equipment maintained/repaired? Food and beverage provided? Lift service? Advertising is not free either. Advertising does not guarantee people or that more people will participate. How would you plan to pay for all these expenses while only charging $10 per competitor? Raise the price? I have seen people on here complain about a $10 bib deposit and complain about $25 lift tickets. Sounds to me like raising the price would keep more people away. Sponsorship sounds easy, but companies want exposure in exchange for dollars.....how much exposure is the event going to give them? How many thousands of people are going to be there? What happens when it is 70 degrees and raining? This event is a fun event to get people out on the hill and have fun one last time. To do everything you're talking about would require the event to make a profit and is not likely to happen. Why can't you be happy that your mountain is doing this event and go there and have fun?
The only reason there aren't enough riders to keep it open is because .............. lack of customers... Let's face it, how many people say I'm going to plan an April ski trip in the mid atlantic region? Everyone goes west because you are guaranteed snow. This was not a typical winter and the spring has been cold and snowy. This is a great thing for us, but definitely out of the ordinary for this region. Stroudsburg is mostly Camelcrack grounds so I would not be suprised that people out there thought the season was over. They judge by Camelcrack's season. Are you suggesting that JFBB should spend money on advertising in April??
My guess would be because JFBB are a business first and foremost and there is not enough riders to keep the mountains open. The new snow didn't help anything cause it is almost all melted already. Unfortunatley no more riding at JFBB until the fall.
"bait and switch"....c'mon! I guess you would have preferred they left the ticket price at $46 and told you to use the $10 off coupon instead. JFBB was nice enough to discount their ticket price $21 instead of $10. God, what an awful "bait and switch"! I don't understand the complaints on the pricing! I know....lets all go to the other mountains that are open this weekend with the cheaper ticket prices!
Making snow his time of year would never happen! The other thing is that BB hours on Sunday are 1pm-6pm because of Easter. Just wanted to let everyone know so they don't show up 5hrs early.