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  1. i'm upset i wanted to snowtube on jan 3 but they shut down the tubing lift due to high winds they said there was a chance that the handles would fly off in the wind i didnt believe them but they shut the lift down anyway.
  2. You snowblade with poles. And you're implying that I'M not an expert?!
  3. So let me get this straight. Your friend's cousin's best friend works at Camelback on weekends, and he somehow got the message to your friend that the Bailey wind limit is 70 mph. Then, you not only believe him, but make a conclusion from this about the wind limit on the Stevenson, a completely different lift that you know nothing about. I can tell you and Papasteeze are related.
  4. Or better yet, let's demand the relevant information from Camelback itself. Then we'll know once and for all whether high wind was a good reason for shutting the lift down. How about it, SkiCamelback? 1) a) What does Doppelmayr say is the safe operating limit for direct crosswinds on the Stevenson? Up to what direct crosswind velocity is Camelback comfortable operating the Stevenson? Is it any lower than Doppelmayrs maximum? 2) On each of the last few times the Stevenson was shut down for high winds, what was the direct crosswind velocity measured at the windiest point of the chair? Did it meet or exceed Doppelmayr's limit? Camelback's limit? And if not, why was the lift shut down?
  5. People... Listen to yourselves! "Oh, my friend's friend has a brother whose uncle's coworker told him that Doppelmayr detachables can run in direct crosswinds up to 60 miles an hour." "Oh, my friend's brother who works the lunchline at Blue said the winds were kind of the same as they were at Camelback today, but they didn't shut the six-pack down." Very often on this board, claims are presented as facts when in reality, they're no more than hearsay, speculation, and misinformation. No one on this board has offered any legitimate technical data regarding the Doppelmayr-endorsed safe operation limits for high speed detachable chairlifts of the Stevenson Express's model, and no one has offered any legitimate data regarding the wind velocity at the top of Stevenson on the dates and times in question. Until then, you can't reasonably make claims about when the Stevenson should and shouldn't be shut down. Regardless of what you've heard from your mom's sister's girlfriend, you have no formal credentials, no formal training, and no formal information regarding the safe operation of Doppelmayr detachable chairs. More simply: you don't know what you're talking about. So don't pretend you do. Get the facts. Get the technical data directly from Doppelmayr about the safe operation limits for wind velocity for detachable quads of the Stevenson's type. Get the actual wind-speed data for the top of Stevenson on the dates and times in question. And confirm that high winds were indeed the reason that Camelback shut the lift down. Until you have the facts, and can determine from them that high wind was indeed a 'bullshit reason' for Camelback's closing the chair, don't call it that. Because you don't know what you're talking about.
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