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Everything posted by CrazyIT

  1. Ever think that because Bear Creek is owned and essentially operated by an outside company, that maybe it isn't ultimately Mark's or Bear Creek decison on when the actual closing date will be. You look out for the skier/rider, bercause you don't have the financial statements sitting on your desk staring you in the face all day. If Mark and others didn't put the resort's financial stability into account, then there might not be a resort to come to after a while. You buy a pass for $400 some bucks and come up 15 - 20 plus times - you completely get your money's worth and then some, but lets bitch about that list vist or two that I couldn't ski because the resort management was trying to be fiscally responsible about running a business - which it still is despite what anyone else tends to think. As for learning something from Blue...I think they already did that. The old base facility that Bear Creek had was on par to what Blue still has now - and Bear realized what a pile of crap it was and completely leveled it and built new. I think they also realized what they DIDN'T want in a park......thanks Blue!
  2. Great comment when you have no basis of understanding exactly what goes in running a resort. You would be hard pressed to find another GM around here that could come even close to Mark's commitment to this resort and its customers. So easy to type a bunch of mindless comments from the comfort of your room. I guess you could always try your hand at running Bear Creek....but it would probably end up bankrupt and would close its doors in less then a year. You're an idiot.
  3. BC has done nothing to keep you as a season pass holder? I guess I can see how the 50 or so million dollars that have been dumped into the resort over the past three years is doing nothing. Also, they keep selling those outrageously priced $400 unlimited season passes (the ones that if you ski about eight times actually pays for itself). You should be ashamed of yourself Bear Creek!
  4. I think that what you posted makes perfect sense. According to your logic, BC should stay open for at least 6 months in order to accomodate your work schedule. Who gives a crap about the unpredicatable winter weather that runs throught the North East region - BC should be able to make quality snow and stay open from November until the end of April. Unfortunately, I work a six day a week schedule and can only come up to Bear once a week - those bastards better make sure they stay open until August so I can get my days in too. You have Mark and the whole management team that bust their asses in order to put our a quality product for us, and all I ever here is people complaining about what they are doing wrong and what they can suck out of BC for themselves. You already are getting one of the cheaper season passes out there - you make your money back on an unlimited pass after about a dozen trips - but screw that, I want to complain. You don't want to come back to Bear Creek because you have been soooo outrageously wronged - moron! p.s. AC is filthy and I wouldn't eat a buffet down there if it was free, but thanks for the offer! I also try and do side work for Atlantic City PR
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