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Everything posted by liftguy
We have plans to make the landing longer as soon as it cools of a bit. We ran out of time when we built it. It was getting very warm. We opted to deal with the landing in order to not melt more snow with the cat that day. Plus it was getting late in the morning and we didnt want to hold up the park opening. I would think sunday morning would be the fisrt chance to extend it.
Hey PASR, I am a lift guy and not a park guy, first. But i was in the park helping out and theres some new rails put in that havent been used lately. There is also something like a step on to a snow made big butter box to a step off. Atleast thats what i call it. The guys who are up here now love the new features. You guys probably call it something else. It looks like fun to me. Just thought you guys on here would like to know. Thanks, Sno Mountain Lift Dept.
She was from the times newspaper. She was doing something like "out and about in ne PA"
Hay papa, I know you like bashing , But I would leave operations alone. I really dont think you know anything about operations at Sno. You like arguements on here and it isnt productive towards anything. Thank you for your time.
Guys this topic is all over the place... Let me try to help with some facts.. Everyone is saying a 22 is too big right? We only have a 13' pipe right now. We wanted to upgrade, so why go to an 18' pipe when we could of got the only 22' on the east. Does it cost alot to build a 22' ? Hell yes. Can we do it in 4 days? Hell no. Do we already have the snow stock piled and mostly pushed into place for one of the walls? Yes. Do we have 3 huge jumps sitting next to it that can be used for the walls ? Yes Was there dirt work done? Yes We couldnt get the walls built out of dirt but we graded the trail to perfection so we dont waste any snow that we dont have to. When construction resumes on the water park this summer it will produce fill that we can use for the dirt work on the walls of the 22'. With this all said the summary is that we already started along time ago making snow for the 22' and if weather cooperates we will have it in less time than you would think becuase we are not starting from 0. Ryan guys will be teaching our guys how to build it. We are not as dumb as some people seem to think. We do have a plan and as some people have said " give us a chance" . No one believed us when we said we are getting a 22" We got bashed on here for saying it. Guess what? We came true with our promise. We are a young resort but we do know what we are doing. I hope some of these facts help out.
HS quad is in the plans. Nothing is definate. we have a long list of items we wanna do. As you know we have a water park to build aslo. It is a young resort we have big plans. We just need sometime to do everything. Just like in our own lives you cant buy everything at once. The one thing I can tell you is that the management as well as the employees are excited about making sno mountain a great resort. There is a lot that goes into purchasing a new lift. Like location,quad or sixpack, brand......etc. You will see one here it is just a matter of time. Hope this helps you out.
How about 102 ? We want to know what the people riding the park wants. Anyone could build what they think works. There is more than one person riding the park so why would you want only one persons suggestions. Santa you are on the right track. Get everyones opion and you will have the best park.
10 minutes to go 1000 vertical feet and 1 mile. I really dont think thats too bad.
The plan is to reinforce what we have and to blow on runway anf fasttrack. If all goes well you should see them for the weekend. Depending on how long the cold snap lasts for. We did alot of testing to make sure we make every hour count.
Its not a shame that we need to fly someone in. We just wanted the best. We are not afraid to say we need to learn. Thats what Ryans job is. To teach us how to have the best park.
Hey guys, Sorry it took so long to reply ,but I have long hours. Rest assure I heard of the lifty not holding the chair very quickly. We do train our lifties. It is approx. a 4 hour training. From holding chairs to customer friendliness and to safety. I am sorry that the liftie didnt hold the chair. The problem was addressed. With 200 employees just in lifts you do get a couple bad ones. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I will not put up with bad lifties. I would run short staffed before using an employee who is no good. I try to do my best with picking lifties but some just dont work out. Just like in any business.I hope that everyone enjoys there experience with sno mtn. If there are more problems with lifties just post it. Thanks
Well everyone has an opinion on everything we do..... So lets hear your opinion on how you guys would like to see the park set up. This is a chance for you to speak up before we build the park. I know our park guy reads these topics. Right Mike?. Sno mountain wants to be on the same level as our guest. We want the best park around and your info will makes us the best park. Keep in mind that we won't build jumps to the moon. It has to be a safe and sick park. We need to find that spot. If it is a realalistic goal we will do our best to meet it. I know last year some guys didnt want all the jumps to be the same style. They wanted them mixed up etc... step up, step down, booter. Guys I just want to say that it is a pretty good thing that sno comes onto this site to see what you guys have to say. I listen good and bad. I really dont see any other resort going this far to try to make there guests happy. We are here right in the open. Believe me we took ours shots in stride. But we listen and do our best to correct them. Will we do everything right, most likely not, but we can limit what we do wrong. You guys are going to determine whats right or wrong. Bottom line... your the customer and we want you guys to love every trip up to our mountain.
It is pretty bad day today so dont go nuts if Ryan does not do anything today. I promise that he will do something as soon as the snow hardens up enough. It is my understanding that his crew is here through the weekend.
Ryan Neptune and his boys are coming in on wednesday to add to the park on mainline.
You going to be able to get a high def dvd of the event. We will post it on the web site when available plus we are going to run the dvd on the lodge tvs for everyone to see. This way you guys can become celebrities. I want to see someone fron sno on the tour!
Hey , The park was closed so that we could rebuild it for the park comp. With the rain it really hurt conditions and we wanted to start over and build it up for the comp.
Sorry to hear about this! I will talk to this gentlman on his next shift. This is not the way i want my lifties to be. You can trust me that he will be in trouble if not fired. I hope that you give us another shot. I try to weed these kind of employees out as best as i can. Sometimes they get by though. I am glad that you brought this to me attention, though. I cant watch these kids all the time so its great to hear that i could find out about stuff through here. Please let me know if you have any more problems. Again I am very sorry for this.
Guys I'm lookin for some input on our park. I'm good friends with our park manager and with the planet boys.Let me know how you liked it this year and what you expect from us next year! LIFTPARK.bmp
I really dont know who this was. i'll try to find out. I had a liftie go last year and we gave him the time off. I would want him up there to represent. If an employee told me of an event he'd get it off. Being a boss for sometime now tells me that there is probaly more to the story.
We do and will blow snow for conditions when ever possible. our goal is blow big at first get the trail open than dust whenever possilbe for great skiin/ boardin. Long Haul.. thats always been a request, Im the lift director. I' ll do what I'm told but people just dont use that lift alot. The best i could say is to get everyone who likes it to ride it or request it and if its enough i would beat that the owners tell me to run in 24/7. We lookin at updating the drive in the lift which is very expensive, so we are planning on using the lift, and takin care of it. From what i heard those scanners are going to be history.I'll pass on to ski shcool about the buildings. thats for some compliments too its good to hear I have no idea who you are talking about
Glad to hear some ideas. Yes new lights are on the project list for next year. As for lights in the park... We new that we most likely would of had lighting problems this year in there, but it was just too late in the season to fix it. It was tough with being bought so late. The parks next year will be very well lit up. As for the events.... We know. We are looking for a good qualifed canidate for that position right now. That will be his/her job to get events back here. We are even thinking about bring back the once a week big air job in from of the lodge with a ram jam area next to it with its own rails. Not ones from the park. This would be hopefully a once a week comp. As for video from the park? The fly cam for the comp on sat is going to shoot a commercal sat. So any of you good fling artist out there want to be on tv show up. this will be a high def camera too. Park passes.... Yes wer are looking into them. We want to make sure we have beginner parks first before we have park passes. We are going to visit other mountains though too. Idealy we want a expert park with experts in it, and beginner park with beginners and novice park with novice. We had alot to try to get done this season in a very short time. We know we have more. But we have a young staff willing to do what it takes. with the commercials ill get with our advertising people and pass on your opions.
That would be great. The new owners are great. They are open minded and the best is that they listen to thier employees. We are willing to listen to it all. A list of this sort would really prove to the owners that people do like the new mountain, and that people want to see it get better. The new zipline that is coming is going to be open year round. Any help you guys give me to steer Sno Mtn. in the right direction would be great. Sorry for the cap locks. I am a ski lift guy, not very good at spelling or typing. Therefore you guys will most likey bust me on typos. As for Gary Collins... he works for me. We call him by buttons though. So the next time you see him call him buttons. By the way guys..... Thanks for the info. We at Sno Mtn really want to see the mountain do good, and get better. I know we have along road ahead of us due to montage's rep.Also I will pass on the concerns for a cheaper ticket.