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About librider

  • Birthday 12/18/1989

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  • Equipment
    I break boards weekly.
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  • Home Mountain

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    what dennis what
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  • Interests
    Snowboarding, Bmx, Girls, Photograpy, Video editing, computers, Girls, snowboarding

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librider's Achievements

Downhill Racer

Downhill Racer (7/10)

  1. I was at boulder two days ago and I think that this setup on freedom is my favorite ever. The current setup is so tits. So many fun things and the jumps are perfect for little jumps.
  2. I still have everyone hah
  3. Made it up. Just lapped the park the entire time. They actually had a pretty fun setup. Was actually very surprised with the quality of the snow. There was loose snow everywhere and alot of fun to play around in. Glenn I couldnt find you!
  4. Really? Sweet man. Havn't seen you in forever. I think I still have your number. Did you try calling me a few weeks ago?
  5. I'll be heading up with a few people. Anyone else?
  6. I was there yesterday. Not a damn clue what you just said up there though.
  7. I went up last night. Had a really really fun time. Feels good to be back out on snow.
  8. yeppp
  9. October 15th the flurries were comming down in my town. I tried to take a picture but it didnt show anything. It flurried for about a minute. STOKE Oh and in my ten day they are calling for rain/snow showers on thursday.
  10. That is one ugly ass snowboard. GL with sale though haha.
  11. Agree'd It was wayyyyyy too cold then. Remember when me and you went out that one day and were hiking the double barrel with a few people. We all looked at each other and were like wtf are we doing. ahah But yah we shoulda kicked brendan out and stayed that place was so legit.
  12. that I am going to head back to colorado. Me and justin have been talking about it again since he is in florida and hates it. Prolly going to go a little late in the season (Decemberish) since he has to finish up this semester at school. STOKED
  13. Thanks for the info man. Yeah like I said I can strap on some skis and get down the hill already, I just want to make the full on switch now. I'm sure I'll be spending the majority of my time in the park and what not. And yeah I spend 99.9% of my time in the park on a snowboard so hopefully I pick it up pretty quickly.
  14. So this upcoming season I think I am going to make the switch to skiing. I find it much more enjoyable to watch, and the majority of my friends ski anyway. And quite frankly I am bored of snowboarding. I have been riding for ~11 years and want to do something new. Now I can ski. I can get on skis and make it down the hill, but I am hoping to pick up free-skiing pretty easily. From what I have seen people learn really fast when skiing as opposed to snowboarding. Anyone else make the switch? How was it?
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