i was there from open till close. Im sure you deffinitly saw me. Green Jacket and brown pants, had a brown helmet and orange oakleys. I was in the park most of the day. I got some footy from today.
Do you have a sn?
Tommarw for all who goes: Im in a Green jacket and Brown pants. I have a brown helmet with a huge anon sticker pon the front and bright orange Oakleys. Names Dennis. Yell it out dont be shy.
Yeah im not a powder person myself. It messes up the park and just makes it not fun. Plus it gets everywhere.
Yeah im not a powder person myself. It messes up the park and just makes it not fun. Plus it gets everywhere.
Does anyone know if camelback will be grooming tonight? I Am goign tommorw and i would rather have it groomed than have all those spots of powder all over the park. Powder=Kills Park.
Through some connections i got the new HH cd thats not comming out till late febuary.. and if i must say its mucho orgasmic! Im on AIM if you want me to send you a song.
Because they are poor bastards who like to tease us..
..In other news we got a new box, http://media.putfile.com/Backyard-Box-Sesh
and we are getting like 2-3 new rails