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Everything posted by librider

  1. With spit
  2. uhh it isnt working for me it says that the compression used couldnt be found or something
  3. librider

    magna traction

    I have a Lib and after two seasons its BEAT.
  4. I dont think they are going to be able to make until monday/tuesday night. Also we are supposed to get some rain i just hope shawnee gets open next weekend
  5. 416 ft. to be exact
  6. Since its their last year why would they spend the money. Tanglwood isnt like the other restorts in the area. Tanglwood just about breaks even every year so they dont have any extra cash. Lets hope for the person who buys it next year will make it into a ski resort that actually has a name in the pocono's.
  7. No they are not.
  8. Who are you? I prolly know you since i go to tanglwood pretty much everyday. They dont open till Dec. 23rd so they wont be blowing for a while.
  9. Im not a halfpipe person at all. It bores me. Although i can ride i pipe i bet i would like it if i was better at it. I would rather hit a kicker or some rails than ride the pipe. Edit: haha 360 posts get it like a 360
  10. 9:44am and they are still pumping snow!
  11. oh man im very excited
  12. OMG it looks so beautiful!
  13. Im down for creek i get up there quite a bit
  14. I have faith..lights wouldnt be on if they didnt plan on doing something..
  15. Blue is blowing snow!
  17. LIGHTS ARE ONE AT CAMELBACK AND SHAWNEE..... ....hopefully they will blow
  18. Yes the lights are one... that must mean they are making snow tonight. ive been looking at it every 2 mins
  19. any word on when they are going to be fireing them up tonight?
  20. any word on when cb and shawnee are fireing up tonight?
  21. ahhhh its comming guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. yes they are going to blow tommoarw
  23. they look pretty sick..
  24. He wants to but he cant because it will void the warrenty and that wouldnt go over well with his boss
  25. no plexi on the wallride=deathtrap also other complaint what good is that rainbow box for? haha i dont see a reason for it other than to be annoying. Everything looks awesome though! Great job. Ill be there next weekend to shred
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