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Everything posted by Rowsdower

  1. Remember like five years ago when that one kid brought a paintball gun in a backpack and shot if off the lift... good times.... What were we talking about?
  2. I just have a problem withe people not calling their drops. I will raise my hand and yell DROP at the top of my lungs and I guess the noobs think thats their cue to drop or something. It annoys me to no end.
  3. Yay for spring riding... in the dead of winter... wait a minute... I HATE PENNSYLVANIA!
  4. Hand out packets and consent forms to all the gapers. Nothing turns people away faster than paperwork.
  5. la nina lots of pacific air but they can make snow at night and it can always change
  6. A "you must be this tall to throw down sign" maybe?
  7. If its in the shape of a stop sign can I get part ownership?
  8. Unfortunately that's a problem we have on pretty much everything.
  9. Negatory If you're taking off from a wider range you'll land over a wider range as well. Most rails get rutted by taking off from the same spot and landing in the same spot.
  10. They could use the 4x20 but if they're stumped on new ideas for stuff why not try it?
  11. Got a little sketch of my ideas here. I think the half octagon box set on top of a bank or a quarter pipe would be way more trick-able than the bleacher box they have now. By imlayered at 2008-01-30
  12. An octagon box would be ace for a funbox like Diamond has posted. Note to Bear: invest in octagon box.
  13. Look you can't say what you can and cannot joke about. There's no good way to limit people's speech. Thats not the point. The point is that you should know what to say. It's a case of common sense and good taste.
  14. yes
  15. still harsh
  16. harsh dude I've had my share of bad experiences with noobs in the park, trust me. The problem usually stems from bad parental decisions (taking them into the park) or a lack of parents alltogether. Honestly I think parents just give their kids $40 bucks for a ticket and let them loose at Bear Creek. It's quite irresponsible.
  17. That permanent wallride needs some work, or they should just scrap it.
  18. Huzzah I'll go once this rain stops.
  19. Bear creek and Bear Creek to both your questions.
  20. Hand the terrain park layout over to the design crew of Amped 3.
  21. I'd rather they set the wall up on the pipe when/if it gets cut, or maybe on top of a nice quarterpipe.
  22. I want the hourglass box back...
  23. Nah you can be on th am team or whatever, or just have a rep not a full sponsership. Being sponsered does not make you pro.
  24. I agree, they should really mellow out the jumps on cascade. As they are the kickers are too steep. Also, we need a good rail line. Like three or four nice jibs in a row that you can put a nice line together on.
  25. Twas sick. Cascade park was a bit icy though.
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