Remember like five years ago when that one kid brought a paintball gun in a backpack and shot if off the lift... good times....
What were we talking about?
I just have a problem withe people not calling their drops. I will raise my hand and yell DROP at the top of my lungs and I guess the noobs think thats their cue to drop or something. It annoys me to no end.
If you're taking off from a wider range you'll land over a wider range as well. Most rails get rutted by taking off from the same spot and landing in the same spot.
Got a little sketch of my ideas here.
I think the half octagon box set on top of a bank or a quarter pipe would be way more trick-able than the bleacher box they have now.
By imlayered at 2008-01-30
Look you can't say what you can and cannot joke about. There's no good way to limit people's speech.
Thats not the point.
The point is that you should know what to say. It's a case of common sense and good taste.
harsh dude
I've had my share of bad experiences with noobs in the park, trust me. The problem usually stems from bad parental decisions (taking them into the park) or a lack of parents alltogether.
Honestly I think parents just give their kids $40 bucks for a ticket and let them loose at Bear Creek. It's quite irresponsible.
I agree, they should really mellow out the jumps on cascade. As they are the kickers are too steep.
Also, we need a good rail line. Like three or four nice jibs in a row that you can put a nice line together on.