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About propitthatway

  • Birthday 02/27/1987

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    stuff... you know
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Big boulder park

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  • Location
    Daytona Beach, Florida

propitthatway's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. boulder doesnt have a winch cat, yes they were good, but a bloody pain to climb if the conditions are anthing but semi-prime to prime. And i doubt any manangement would consider spending 350gs this close to the season. But then again who knows?
  2. yea i'm just gunna keep my mouth shut
  3. no my comment had nothing to do with yours dan
  4. no comment
  5. "cough cough" lips need help, but everything else was on track, kinda like a choo choo
  6. If you used a winch cat on challenge and razors you'd have one very steep trail. They cant maintain it to the steepness it should actually be, someone start a petition for every mountain to buy a winch cat, but we all know how effective they are.
  7. bandannas are out
  8. friendly locals make a very prosperous Mountain i believe
  9. ^^^^ agreed... Set up needs a little help, but thats just a personal opinion, and we need to see more park crew out working... Well not to single blue out... so EVERY mountain needs more maintenance during the day, some more than others
  10. great idea........ the landings probably still wouldn't be steep enough because the lack of a winch cat haha
  11. so anyway, what are your views on the political stance of hilary clinton
  12. fluffy? i have no clue
  13. yea i guess so
  14. i dont care we can still have a sweet topic just for us
  15. uh huh
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