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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. you buy a weekday or full pass?
  2. So are Law and I.
  3. congrats on the pass purchase....see you this weekend?
  4. On that topic...we saw a kid with GSS's old tan jacket yesterday.
  5. Hopefully they stay open later than Blue so I can take advantage.
  6. We average about 2 hour sessions. I guess it's been awhile since you've skied with in PA. Doing the same 6 runs over and over again gets boring. Especially with 5000 other people.
  7. Great day at Blue Mountain. No Slif. No 3F temps. Me, Toast, Justo, Rose, and Mbike. Toast and I started on our slalom skis and did about a 1hr 15min session on those until our legs were beat then I grabbed the Mantras and Toast grabbed his park skis. I think Justo even has a pic of him hitting a rail. We just lapped Main Street bumps where were pretty nice, and lower Main Street was grippy carvable snow. Skied till about 10:30am...drank some beer, then went to CBI for lunch. JADIP.
  8. looks like this storm is not going to produce.
  9. forgot to post this scenic shot from telluride
  10. Awesome progress. Keep taking them skiing (this season) so the progression doesn't stop...the more the better.
  11. I love my Mantras...184cm, a little tip rise (very minimal), metal, and 25m radius. It works great for Blue. For JF? Probably not. Know anyone with Prophet 98s?
  12. PE's are pretty damn soft. I'd say Mantras/E98s/Prophet 98s. The Prophet 98s are the turniest and would probably be the best option.
  13. I do it frequently...just not on purpose
  14. twas giant slalom
  15. Awesome finish guys. Sorry about missing two weeks, but the one week delay didn't help either. Congrats team!
  16. Kill it tonight guys....go for bronze!
  17. Amazing. Jealous I couldn't join in on the fun
  18. Ski trips aren't only for skiing but they're also a vacation for me. Why would I eat shit food and drink cheap beer?
  19. 8484 suggested that you ask Miller.
  20. Most expensive lift tickets are $120ish....most expensive golf courses are $500ish. Skiing is still "cheap" in comparison.
  21. Forgot to post the overall results... Better Luck Next Time - 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 Liquor I Hardly Knew - 3 + 1 + 3 = 7 paskiandride.com - 2 + 4 + 2 = 8 Main Liners - 4 + 7 + 1 = 12 Team Sausage - 5 + 3 + 5 = 13 Birds of Prey - 6 + 5 + 6 = 17 Lost Cause - 7 + 6 + 7 = 20
  22. FYI...The "Bluestar" on Thursday this week is slalom...in case it doesn't snow.
  23. We came in 2nd tonight...and we're 1 point out of a tie for first overall. Just need a solid showing the final night and it's a podium finish for team PASR! Team : paskiandride.com Total Time : 6:03.18 Rank : 2nd Bib Class Name Blue Red Result Used _______________________________________________________________________________ 64 AtomicSkier 33.21 (7) 34.40 (12 1:07.61 (10) * 63 Toast 35.80 (19 35.80 (15 1:11.60 (16) * 61 Mbike 38.20 (24 37.90 (24 1:16.10 (21) * 66 JohnnyLaw 38.24 (25 38.08 (26 1:16.32 (22) * 62 NastarGlenn 41.32 (29 41.77 (29 1:23.09 (27)
  24. conditions should be prime for tonight...albeit very cold. probably not wearing my suit tonight.
  25. Julia Mancuso won bronze in the super combined!
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