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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. Or are they? For every person who gives it away, they're preventing that same person from staying until 3pm with a morning pass.
  2. I've found low light goggles != flat light goggles. I use my dark lenses on flat light days as I feel that low light lenses allow too much light in on flat light days preventing you from seeing any contrast.
  3. I've never had any issues with water. I moisturize quite frequently. I've skied them on days its nuked, days where it's -20F, etc, and no problems.
  4. 2:29...amazing.
  5. I just got new Hestra Patrol Gloves to replace my current red/white ones (same colors). Just picked up a North Face apex bionic jacket. Snagged two more pairs of smartwool "racer" socks. I'm ready.
  6. AtomicSkier


    this thread is pure gold...rack it!
  7. Jay's buddy Gordon Bronson lookin colorful....
  8. Someone better alert RideDelaware
  9. My penis hurts just thinking about what you're going through.
  10. PC...you going to be able to go on your trip?
  11. Yessir. Philpug having a blast at Blue Mountain was a sight to see. He stayed later than Doug and I because he was having too much fun. There is a picture of him that I took floating around thar innerwebz somewhere.
  12. What are you doing the 23rd? I've got a pair of Rossi WC's for you
  13. I'll probably ski Friday AM....
  14. Contacting FGT and Bobert... We need 7 people to be safe...Johnny and I will be in Jackson for the race on the 23rd.
  15. Razorback will be used for a mid mountain start point for races. They have a shack with what looks like a nice "headwall" for a start gate.
  16. awesome! place is lookin nice!
  17. today was...interesting. Lazy was pretty decent to start the day. Very grippy down the right side and I could really push it pretty hard. The first few runs were great. Paradise was fckin terrible. Main Street was bad, too. By about 9:45am when JStyle and I caught up with AngryHugo it was terrible. I just tuned my Mantra's last night with a razor sharp 3 degree bevel, and I was having trouble stopping on Lazy Mile when I was waiting for the crowds to disperse. It was bulletproof. Pretty amazing stuff. JStyle and I almost got hit 2 or 3 times standing off the side of the trail by people who had their boards sideways but couldn't get any grip to stop.
  18. They were still blowing on Tubing, Razors, Nightmare/Dreamweaver when we left at 10:15. They also had all the fan guns going at the random places around the mtn.
  19. are you blind? the arrow is right on it. here...for the rahtards that want to know what the brige looks like.... http://www.google.com/maps?q=40.779558,-75.45862&ll=40.779611,-75.458401&spn=0.001324,0.002041&num=1&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=40.779595,-75.458536&panoid=YQ2ktT5yoH9-NVFI6mkEMw&cbp=12,224.25,,0,11.83
  20. sshhh...don't tell anyone but ill be going that way as well.
  21. The signs have been posted for awhile now, but they are in fact replacing the bridge, and it will be closed the remainder of the season. Best option is to take 248. http://www.wfmz.com/traffic/Northampton-Co-Rt-946-Bridge-Replacement-Project-in-Moore-Twp/-/121234/7238130/-/mory7gz/-/index.html Location of said bridge: http://www.google.com/maps?q=40.779558,-75.45862&num=1&vpsrc=0&t=m&z=17
  22. ....and the new Dynastar bag just came today...and my rocketed 193's fit no problem! No extra force required
  23. Not possible...Twas me...root...toast...skier1112...so maybe 4 Thanks...its a fun car.
  24. another awesome picture...
  25. wow, what a beautiful morning. Great way to start the day. It was 20 degrees when I left my house, and a cool 18 degrees at the lower lot at Blue. We were rolling 7 deep to start the day: Me, Root, Toast, Skier1112, GAHSkier, MBike, Little MBike. FirstGradeTeacher was also in the house. Conditions were great to start the day, and the stinging of the cold air as you hit home stretch was something we haven't felt yet this year. Tuts Lane -> Lazy Mile -> Crossover -> Challenge -> Falls -> Home Stretch was the ROTD. Falls to start the day was so perfect for pushing it to the max. Very smooth and grippy. Lazy became down right dangerous around 9:15am with so many people on it. On the last run, I had a mental overload trying to decide how to thread the needle, so I just had to stop. There was no way for me to get through. It was about 23 degrees when I left the parking lot at 9:35am. At work now feeling great. Love the 8am midweek holiday opening
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