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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. Does anyone have an ezup tent for tomorrow in case of weather? @mbike-ski @enjoralas @JFskiDan?
  2. I know you’re half way to midnight ...
  3. 😂 omg thank you I've done very little skiing in UT, but I did have a blast at Brighton.
  4. No!!!!!
  5. @GrilledSteezeSandwich's short term memory is really getting bad these days. Probably all vaping he's been doing.
  6. Little mini piles. Needs a few more nights.
  7. Nothing ticked me off. Nobody *likes* wearing masks, it’s just something we must all do to ensure we have a ski season. Short term sacrifice. Get over yourself.
  8. @mute1080 you forgot to tag @JFskiDan
  9. Because you think they should be jamming lifts full of people. PASR's lift sharing agreement works because 1) we have a very strict mask policy 2) we're damn good at enforcement of said policy. I'll throw you off the lift if I see your nose.
  10. You’re out of fucking touch with reality.
  11. did your iphone alarm not go off in time?
  12. what time did you get there?!
  13. Great. It's 11am. Get it early.
  14. Empty and great snow! Extremely dark to start but the sun was just starting to shine as we were debooting. Really nice morning of empty top to bottom main streets, paradise, etc.
  15. Their insurance company is not a fan. CO seems to be reasonably uphill friendly. Telluride, CB, and the Aspen resorts all have allow uphill during all or certain time periods.
  16. The lake was quite large today. Definitely 2+ ft deep. Much better day than I was expecting. What a pleasant surprise.
  17. Plenty of bigger loops. Especially on the other side of the road. Bigger loops and bigger hills. Also lots of flats, too.
  18. @theprogram4 I guess Jim D was correct and the chat woman was wrong.
  19. You're going to be disappointed. There will be no softening up today.
  20. No he doesn’t.
  21. I'm not skinny, but an asshole.
  22. We didn't. Conditions were fantastic.
  23. Who doesn't love hero spring snow on Xmas eve? Great morning out there. Oh, and here is a pic of @mbike-ski that is well composed, level, and clear because my lens isn't covered in grease.
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