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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. White people are fleeing cities because they don't need to be there anymore as their jobs can now be done remotely, the cost of living is lower, and they can enjoy some space. What exactly is going to change if Biden gets elected that is going to increase violence and crime in the suburbs? And in case you've forgotten, just a reminder to use a fact-based approach when answering that question.
  2. 87 to 37 in 24 hours ... nice!
  3. Is that a rainwater collection system plumbed from the gutters of your shed?
  4. Whatever is left grows fast.
  5. I think I'm going to break down and get a real hair cut. Last trip to the barber was Feb 18.
  6. Should just rename it to Squall Valley
  7. ya that did confuse me a little.... i guess that could be taken from the lot of Lehigh Valley Imports now.
  8. wow just wow @toast21602 is that the future Kelchner Rd? https://goo.gl/maps/BxbLBhcexBxd5WS18
  9. What's a leftover?
  10. @NMSKI when we getting you out on that bike that's in the background?
  11. Then the answer to that question is "no". šŸ˜†
  12. OK, so what's your argument? That people have politicized this? Of course they have...but you also need to stop doing the same thing you espouse people shouldn't. I'd like to return to a previous statement that you made in rebuttal to @toast21602's unearthing of your early anti-Trump posts. You're basically saying your opinion on Trump's handling of the coronavirus can be purchased by some handouts? You're really helping your middle ground credibility. @GrilledSteezeSandwich isn't the sell out here. I don't care where people aren't wearing masks. Protests, construction sites, Wawa, etc. *Everyone* should be wearing masks when interacting with the public. There is no politics in that.
  13. The problem is the premise on which you'd like to debate is irrational.
  14. You so quickly gloss over the *vast* majority of people who are anti-maskers belong to a certain political party.
  15. Maybe racist wasn't the perfect word? Ignorance may have been better? People should've been avoiding *all* restaurants.
  16. On a similar topic ... @saltyant took me by the hill in Hazelton that @GrilledSteezeSandwich skied many years ago in October.
  17. The virus has killed hundreds of thousands of people outside the US .... hardly a conspiracy to take down Trump.
  18. We're back to "yellow" ... a resource i've been following for awhile: https://www.covidexitstrategy.org/
  19. Ya, Iā€™d like to know what Iā€™ve been doing wrong all these years! I always knew VTMark was smart, but his smarts must border on Trumpā€™s level of genius.
  20. Youā€™re delusional.
  21. VTMark is going to really enjoy ā€œthe manā€ suppressing his voice after this permanent ban.
  22. I made some serious enemies yesterday after I was at a construction site and so many subtractors weren't wearing masks (let alone chin straps, nostrils showing, etc), despite being required to. It wasn't even like they had them around their necks ... they weren't anywhere in sight! I reported it to our Environmental Health & Safety office. I got quite a few nasty texts after they figured out who did it and people saying "why don't you just wait until everyone goes home to come?". They're missing the point ... it's not *only* about me being safe, it's about *everyone* being safe. They'll thank me ... eventually ... maybe ... probably not.
  23. I bought my touring setup in the spring when shops were blowing out gear after the abrupt end to ski season. I'm finally getting around to getting my touring boots fit in 3 weeks or so. Still gotta get my Salomon Shifts mounted to my skis.
  24. @Justo8484 @RootDKJ @enjoralas
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