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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. AtomicSkier


    maybe it was the same girl jib, it probably was, but she was working at the bottom, doing the lift lines. Black hat? she wasn't bad at all
  2. AtomicSkier


    nah, greg and i peaced out at 11:45 maybe?
  3. AtomicSkier

    Bad day

    We did see skimom hanging out with some people she knew i guess, we refrained from harassing her. I'm surprised she wasn't out stalking today.
  4. AtomicSkier


    no question 'dude, as i told you, blue was a mad house yesterday, as im sure CB was too. I left just before it got REALLY bad. Though I bet Ski999 was enjoying 0 crowds at Montage
  5. why? Is it a bad thing that I can actually make it down the mountain without sliding down on my ass?
  6. AtomicSkier

    Bad day

    yes we definatly were. We rode the lift with him once or twice, then I started to get in his head, and then out of the corner of his eye during training I'm sure he saw the video camera, cause he goof'ed big time, RIGHT in front of us. The pressure was on! haha, you know i'm just messin wiff ya 'dude.
  7. AtomicSkier


    i noticed that about the jumps too, and glenn said something too. They landings are not proportional to the size of the jumps. They are like 5-10 feet too long.
  8. AtomicSkier


    Well it was a pretty sad turnout, to say the least. Pretty much me, greg, and glenn, with a little skidude mixed in. The place was packed, and it was getting really boring riding the tp/raceway lift, as they were the only ones w/o any lines. We got a nice video of adam ripping thru the gates at mach 2.
  9. you're right. The patroller did the right thing by pulling us over, we were going REALLY fast, well, you were at least. But he simply said "i just wanted to let you know you were going to fast, and it's too cold out here to get my pencil out", because, at the time, it was still probably -3 or so. That same day, when i mowed my friends sister over, the ski patrol guy said well i didn't see the crash so i can't do anything. but ski999, i think even at WC downhill speeds, thats still within your ability.
  10. AtomicSkier

    Bad day

    skidude looked pretty good on that course, until he let go of his pole. Don't worry, we caught it on tape
  11. AtomicSkier


    we'll probably arrive at the camel 5 minutes early, and leave slightly after nine. SO BE THERE!
  12. AtomicSkier


    That I am. Show up at 9, cause if not, it might become hard to catch up with us.
  13. AtomicSkier


    show up at 9! well i'll be there w/ Greg at 8....
  14. how about a refund from the race team fee?
  15. get better racerchick!
  16. golf clubs are still in the trunk, btw.
  17. in warren millers "journey" they show this trail at chamonix, and it was 50 degrees, and the guy was going 2mph down it, turning, stopping, turning, stopping, cause it was so steap. 66 degrees can't be right.
  18. AtomicSkier


    nice. we're gunna get greg racing too
  19. sounds like it's pretty far north...off of route 6, which runs parrelel to the NY border...VERY nice road to drive a bmw on, love it. but i've never seen denton.
  20. AtomicSkier


    yea, i'm trying to get greg to do it too...wheres the registration? what time does it start?
  21. AtomicSkier


    lets get a list going...whos gunna be there at 9, and if not, put what time... 1. Jeff 2. Greg 3. Glenn
  22. AtomicSkier


    Young enough to still be mooching off my parents.
  23. Magic Mountain, Vermont. Small little place, east of Manchester on Rt 11 about 20 miles maybe? (off of Route 7). We have a house about 3 minutes from it, and I've never skied there, if that puts it's greatness in prospective. Haha, but from the road, that one diamond looks like a NICE pitch, though it always looks decieving.
  24. yes you are, its ALOT colder here, and we're getting more snow. Alta has been dry for several WEEKS now....last snowfall was on the 11th.
  25. tell me about it skidude...you go miles upon miles without seeing a car. The only you'll ever see people up there is at Clark's grocery store, in Lundandary (home of ross powers, btw) but on rt 11, once you get past clark's, you are REALLY out there. Moose X-ing Next 12 miles
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