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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. Anyone that has atomic bindings knowns how annoying it is to lock your skis, as there is no real way to put the lock thru the bindings, unless you fit it underneath the metal band, but the new Neox bindings have a more conventional design, which will allow for easier locking. as for me, i use blue's complimentary ski check
  2. as dthmtluncrn said, what's wrong with it? And honestly, are you in any position to say anything about the park, when, at the PASR meet, I could see your assprint on the top of challenge, all the way from the bottom? Now, I was there today, and there are still more hits to be made, and more rails to be put back in, but it all takes time, i'm sure during the week they'll have it packed with more things. Skiing today was great, depsite the horrid winds that, when I tried to go down Razors Edge, would NOT let me accelerate down the headwall. It was a fierce wind.
  3. hope you're ok missy....hooking a tip sucks
  4. tell me about it, the difference between the second degree, and the third degree, is great
  5. AtomicSkier


    alta as of 3:30pm has 130" of powder...and it's calling my name...cya guys on sunday! peace!
  6. moved for ya anyway, this is blues third weekend i think of being 100% open
  7. the ski family is very anti-blue for some reason. I can find reason to like camelback, and I can find reasons to dislike blue, but the reasons i like blue FAR outweigh the reasons i like camelback. skimom just has blinders on to the world.
  8. exactly. as kmar said, blue was blowing for quantity before the warm spell. now that everything has been resurfaced, they're blowing QUALITY snow, and its great snow.
  9. you ARE the noob.
  10. uh, defiantly not. Stick to razors edge, and you'll be in heaven. Trust me, you'll be speachless.
  11. speaking of someone ripping, check the the 'tomicskier form.
  12. Tanglwood was going to cost me $39 i believe. That was a little crazy, especially to drive in the rain or ice. I'm doing it though, i've been wanting to race, conditions weren't that great. I'm leaving powder for the race course, so i'll be there skimom, are you chickening out?
  13. there are certain people (skidude) that will not quit bitching until i race, and plus it's at my home mtn, im familiar with the trail, and of course, to smoke you.
  14. AtomicSkier

    Waxing supplies

    no brush, just brillo. I dunno if he even has a scraper, but when we were there on sunday, when he was sitting down you could see all the wax that wasn't scraped off.
  15. AtomicSkier

    Waxing supplies

  16. Nah, this mtn is on route 11, as is Bromley, a great, southern facing mtn, but magic is east of bromley. Our house is about 5 minutes from magic, and I've never skied there. Skidude pretty much summed it up. I would, however, encourage you to goto bromley. very few people have been there, but ski999 and i have, and its a great mtn. LOTS OF SUN!
  17. AtomicSkier

    Waxing supplies

    huh? You use a scraper to get as much wax off as possible, then you brush, to get the rest off the base, and get the rest out of the structure. You can't substitute them, its wax, scrape, and brush brush brush. hey ski999 & skidude. He used brillo to scrape his board
  18. AtomicSkier

    Waxing supplies

    as do i. I feel that the nylon just doesn't get the wax off, let alone get the wax out of the structure.
  19. yea, melt the ptext above the base, let it dry, and i use a razors blade, and the ptex that you melted on top of your base should come right off, go slow, working your way down to where you made the repair, and eventaully amke it perfectly flat.
  20. AtomicSkier

    Waxing supplies

    Nestors has a Swix Combo Brush (brass/nylon) and works fine.
  21. Dual GS at Blue on Sunday! I'll be there, I'm flying home from Alta to ski in freakin PA.
  22. his season pass was on his ski jacket, which was else where. She gave him a day ticket for free until he got his jacket back (he was wearing a different ski jacket)...i was just saying, it's nice to know they'll do things to make their customers happy, and not make them waste $25+ o yea, i failed to mention his season pass was on his jacket in the first post.
  23. GREAT JOB TODAY ON RAZOR'S EDGE! What did you guys do? That was unfreakin real! I assume that was fake stuff, but it was sooooo light! You couldn't even hear yourself skiing, it was that soft/deep. Great job!
  24. hey, btw, Blue did something very oppposite to what camelback would do today. My friend had left his ski jacket at his friends house by accident, so when we went to blue today, he was just gunna pay the $25 to get it replaced, since a lift ticket would have been more. And the lady said " are you sure you lost it?" and he said no, i left it at a friends house and hes away right now. She printed him out a ticket, for free, no cost. I'm sure if it were camelback, they'd love to take your money.
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