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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. any of you?
  2. my friend switched from blades to ski last year, and he didn't seem to have any trouble at all...
  3. I think I saw the same Rangers you were talking about... But I was on honeymoon lane last night, a nice trail to have some fun on, when it's not packed. So a ranger is infront of me, I stop, let him go so I can rip. I give him a good minute or so. So I start rippin some GS arcs (in which Dthmtluncrn saw ) and of course, as I round the bend, hes sittin right there waiting. That can't be fun. Ski for 300 feet, stop and watch for some kid just practicing his technique. He didn't stop me, but there was no one else on the trail, and I saw no need for him to stop? Blah, i'll never get them.
  4. Nice pics skidude, lookin good! Btw, thats a nice ski area. I think my backyard has more vertical
  5. you're right...when your driving around that one bend, it looks like there is no mountain in sight, then a few seconds later, wow theres elk!
  6. yea, i can't even see main street, which is bad...i've skiied in REALLY thick fog in VT, chrisjur knows what im talking about, as he was there when i was....couldn't see the quad in front of you. but night skiing + fog has to be REALLY bad....
  7. Section B of that states, "The skier or snowboarder is not at fault if the neglagence of the mountain caused such an incident. The ski area is responsible for the maintence, and proper signage of all closed trails, obstacles, and hazords. They signs must be visible from no less then one hundred (100) feet away, and closed trail signs must be visible from no less then two hundred (200) feet away"
  8. blah blah...wasn't it you the other day who was AGREEING with me when we were skiing at Blue?
  9. uh no, sorry, it was during my second time at Camelback. I'm sure the race team would NEVER use people as slalom gates on meadows, god forbid. but my point is, its absurd to have multiple phrases on lolipops. When you see a red octagon, you KNOW its a stop sign. I've never seen a red octagon on the road that said "Camelback, next left". When you're used to seeing lolipops that say "Experts Only" at the top of Challenge, a great trail at Blue Mountain, you'd expect the same to be found on a Diamond, for people perhaps merging from Meadows to the bottom of the Asp? Sure I probably should have stopped, read it, and proceeded, but when your mind automatically reads it for you, and you know it says "experts only" you keep on going. But like I said, it was my second time there, and the Ranger failed to see what I was saying. Oh well...
  10. You can see the powerline holding that one tree up, thats hangin over the middle of the road
  11. Yes, let me stop, put my glasses on read, the sign, comprehend what the sign is telling me, and then proceed. Eh, you may be ski patrol, but guess what, I'm paying to use the mountain, you're not. If the trail is closed, you shouldn't be able to just ski right down it. And for your information, no, I really, in the back of my mind, did not know the trail was closed, but the idiot Ranger did not believe me. I gave him a fake name anyway . The problem origantes when you give the policing power to a seperate entity. At Blue Mt, the ski patrol acts as a first aid AND the police, so they're main focus is to protect and help the people on the mountain. Camelback gives the policing duties to Rangers whose SOLE JOB is to seek out kids doing things such as speeding down a DIAMOND! And yes, alot of the rangers probably get off by pulling kids over, it must boost their self esteem, but ya know what, if thats what it takes, I guess they should go right ahead and do it. But without a uniform system, there is bound to be confusion, and mountains should address this. At the top of cliffhanger it is OBVIOUS, there is a net! Blue Mountain has retractable "police tape" all over the mountain, letting you know the trail is closed. To me, if you have to ski under something, you're definatly going to know its there. What about a wide trail like Raceway. What if you had two lolipos saying its closed, and someone comes skiing down the treeline? Things need to be done, so PAYING CUSTOMERS don't get pulled over, and bitched out, when we don't know what we did. The ranger that I dealt with kept asking what I thought I did. And I kept telling him, "I don't know, did I not use my blinker when i merged?" The whole attitude of the mountain just kills me. From the $2.25 or $2.50 sodas, to the cold french fries, to the spring loaded restraint bars on the lift (yea i hate when i take my feet off, how it springs up). But my biggest gripe is the trail closing signage. Little things like this keep people coming. Because once you pull someone over for doing something they didn't even know was wrong cause of the mountains neglagence, they WON'T come back.
  12. dam, that really sucks.... but nice pictures
  13. I know what DaveyJ drives, but that would be mean...DaveK probably parks right next to him
  14. Elk ski patrol are very lenient too, the only place you're not allowed to ski at supersonic speeds coming into the base areas, otherwise, you can rip as fast as you want down the diamonds
  15. thanks for the capture! they claim they got 1" of new snow, and racerchick said she got 3", so maybe for the first time, camelback had a conservative estimate!
  16. The problem is though, I have frequently thought the 1/2 pipe was closed, but yet it was open. It's really confusing. And plus, Camelback should have a seperate trail just for the 1/2 pipe like Blue does, it gets less use, and you can DEFINATLY see that it's closed. anyway... I too, have had a problem with Camelback trail closing signs. I was comming off the Asp I believe...and i decided to take a run down Meadows (i think)...so I see like 3 lolipops before I crossed over to Meadows, and at blue, the lolipops mean "experts only" or "obstacle" such as a terrain park feature...well apparently, at Camelback, they mean closed. and I argued with the guy for a good 10 minutes telling him they need to have a uniform system to show trai closings, and i don't care what anyway says. LOLIPOPS ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Camelback management, if you're reading this post, as you do others, please! Improve! I have see everything from a retractable tape, to a net (at the top of cliffy) to just lolipops, and frankly, lolipop are small, and can't be read from a distance. At the top of the sullivan, if you turn right, there is that little path to the asp, well blue has a few off those, but skipatrol has gone out of their way to put a net, or but crisscrosed bamboo poles so you know you cant go down it, not just a verticle pole. but anyway, it was 10:15 or so, you really shouldn't have taken that last run, I know Blue closes the east side of the mtn around 9:50 or so to start moving people over....But nonetheless, at least he let you go, unfortunatly, the ranger I met, didn't, and I still have my circled ticket to prove it. </rant>
  17. especailly when you get off the lift, and hang a right...i've been almost blown backwards on that trail
  18. my friend raan over my skis, and some of the red atomic top shoot is slit open, it's still ok though, i think
  19. wait, is this on your base, or the top of your board?
  20. ahhhh, that would make sense...cause when people refer to the valley around here, they mean the lehigh valley
  21. yea, you claim you're in the valley, im REALLY in the valley, and its not even snowing here
  22. w3rd...i was watching him hit it the other day, its definatly a pretty nasty rail.....
  23. Ski999, I agree what he did/threatened was wrong...and we all know, you would NEVER hold a grudge
  24. yea, the lower park features boxes, and less intimidating hits. But the rainbow rail is unbelieveable! When i stand next to it with my skis on, im pretty sure its taller then i am!
  25. a friend of mine that works at Nestors said a few guys from the store went up to VT, and I see his away message says "I <3 VT" so I guess he was one of them
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