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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. It's not really news anywho, but yea, we don't visit that board to often
  2. really? I remember skiing opening day in 01 when they opened soo late, and I was night skiing. hmm, this obfuscates me now...
  3. Camelback usuauly waits for the second night for night skiing, blue usually has night skiing the first night.
  4. yupp i thought someone posted this already? but maybe i'm wrong...but only 1 week!
  5. i found that to be interesting when i read it over on the other board....that would be a cool idea for a ski house, or for skidude's house in northridge. I assume the quad chairs are fixed quads?
  6. AtomicSkier

    new skis

    well you have to, for racing.
  7. AtomicSkier

    new skis

    Depending on your weight, 181 might even be too long, if you're looking for something easier to ski. I'd recommend anything from 170-175 at the max. That would be plenty long for you. I'm 5'11" and about 190lbs or so, and I ski on 170's, and I'm looking to go even shorter. 180 is alot of ski for a shaped ski. I'm a bit biased towards Atomics, but they're great skis, and for a great PA ski, you can't beat the Atomic GS:9. Thats what I ski on, and they're just simply amazing.
  8. 2nd one is my new background on my laptop
  9. no snow...i dont think any place below the blue mt got snow today
  10. it's just fog.
  11. Blue took away Sidewinder, one of the greatest trails at Blue for doing some serious ripping around tight turns, and turned it into a terrain park. In return for the skiers, they widened mainstreet for a dedicated Bump Run (Barney's Bumps). How about that for commitment? I think CB could do it, and should, on one of the front four, leave cliffy along.
  12. Elk has a certain feel when you ski there. I think the "feel" is partly there because you feel like you're in the mountains. No tower mountained guns (all their guns are moveable tripod guns) and no lights (only on a few trails) obscure the natural beauty of the mtn. So its you, snow, and trees. I think the lack of tower mounted guns could be why they aren't a snowmaking powerhouse that Blue is. That aside they do get alot more snow (it's already snowed 1 inch down here, and next day when i skiied at elk they had 6+ inches), they don't seem to get terrain open that quickly, and I doubt they'd beat Blue or Shawnee to open.
  13. AtomicSkier

    Ice Carvers

    i could see if it was square like a normal edge, but that would just slow ya down
  14. Mainstreet is the one in the middle of the mountain there. Switchback is one of the later trails to open even though its one of the least skied on trails, it always has the best snow
  15. they never blew alot int he base area....i think the one night they focused mainly on the upper mtn....they didn't loose alot from yesterday, as you can see in that pic, compared to the pics of the day....
  16. I love Elk. It's a great mountain. Slow lifts, but the amazing snow conditions make up for it.
  17. Heres a nice shot from the cam just now.
  18. I got an email back from blue, and they say they are making snow for opening day, weather permitting. So I guess what they mean by that is that is defaintly for the ITC, and if the weather starts to comply, and the current snow sticks around, it'll of course help build the base for opening day.
  19. http://www.skibluemt.com/POD/index_html
  20. like if a trail is a mile long, thats not 5280 verticle feet. Blues verticle (maximum altitude - minimum altitude) is 1082 feet or something around there.
  21. they've been open for more then a week and you haven't been out yet Who are you, and what have you done with SibHusky?
  22. i think they'll blow again monday...that should be a real nice day.....
  23. i don't believe they made snow on homestretch last night, there main focus was on midway/main street and some other upper mtn trails (the trails right around the lodge, there names escape me at the moment)
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