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Everything posted by AtomicSkier

  1. heres a little update....
  2. i don't think it melted, it looks as if there is snow all around the challenge lift and up home stretch, unless that is an illusion beause i think i see snowmobile tracs or something
  3. they form the piles naturally, or at least they always seem too. and yea, of course, since they won't have 3 nights of snowmaking, there is less surface area when they are in piles, hence less snow will melt. Hopefully they get enough down tonight to last 3 days, and still have a decent amount left. As long as there is some down, thats better then nothing.
  4. the coverage on the cam looks pretty decent on homestretch...and mainstreet looks nice too....but the temps dropping rapdily, so i'd expect them to fire up any minute now, and as i'm typing this, it looks as if the guns are on in the upper mtn area (main st)
  5. didn't realize this was in camelback...moving to gear
  6. he is just plain amazing. amazing.
  7. haha i think you've said fire DaveK enough Well bandwidth for a webcam would be expensive for an induvidual, but for a corporation, its nothing. I mean you'd think they'd want to point at things that broadcast a good image, not pointing it at the clocktower 1/2 the time.
  8. they weren't blowing at the time you thought....they started later i believe
  9. yup, they own and operate CB's cam, they just allow CB to get an internet feed off of it. Fox has a cam at blue mountain, but i don't beleive its the one you see on blue's site.
  10. low of 24 in palmerton...looks good, they layed down alot of snow on mainstreet and midway it looks like
  11. just incase they stop, heres a look at the orgasmicsight:
  12. NBC controls CB's cam
  14. AtomicSkier


    yea, cause Flourine in its gaseous form is a VERY posionous gas. Skidude, where do you wax your stuff, in your garage?
  15. yup, thats what i thought....next wednedsay night isn't lookin to snabby for some good snowmaking nights right in a row.
  16. unfortunatly, the more i stare at it, the less i think blue is blowing, and i doubt they are, and camelback isnt either....
  17. nope, no snow at CB
  18. no, its not the worst cam ever, cause there is sound. the sound is the key, i never watch CB's picture, i just listen, and i'll check to hear if i heard the legendary sound
  19. that looks like a gun by the challenge lift we'll have to check tomorrow to see if it actually is snow
  20. i don't know why you changed that in your post, it was always an angry face but anyway, back on topic...i'm watchin the cam right now and i see no snow
  21. skifreak is right, they weren't blowin snow
  22. AtomicSkier


    but you wax your base! so if you want to go fast, take care of your base.... your base is to skiing as tires are to your car. If you have sqaure tires, you're not going anywhere. If you have an uneven, unwaxed, unstructured base, you're going nowhere.
  23. AtomicSkier


    make sure it is NOT an iron with holes in it.
  24. they would've needed to start making snow already
  25. uhh, camelback says we average 50", which isn't correct, but we average over 30" i'd say.
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